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                                            Joseph Thomas Pardee (1871–1960)                                                                 SCIENCE & CAREERS

Pardee Keynote Symposia

P1. Celebrating the Genius of William “Strata” Smith:                together to showcase high-impact research, identify the frontiers
Bicentennial Anniversary of Smith’s Revolutionary Map.               of current research, and present key questions to be addressed
                                                                     about future prospects regarding the rise of animals across the
Sun., 1 Nov., 8–11 a.m. & 2–4 p.m.; Mon., 2 Nov., 8 a.m.–noon.       Precambrian–Cambrian transition.

Advocates: George H. Davis, Renee M. Clary.                          P4. Similar Information, Different Results: Fracking from
                                                                     State to State.
  Smith’s 1815 Geological Map of England and Wales and Part of
Scotland stands as a milestone in the geological sciences. This      Tues., 3 Nov., 1:30–5:30 p.m.
session will explore “Smith fundamentals” in relationship to our
science today.                                                       Advocates: R. Laurence Davis; Christopher P. Carlson.

P2. Savor the Cryosphere.                                              During this session, geologists and policy makers representing
                                                                     several states will outline their state’s policies and discuss how
Mon., 2 Nov., 1:30–5:30 p.m.                                         they were developed. The presentations will be followed by a panel
                                                                     discussion and time for Q&A.
Advocates: Patrick Burkhart; Greg Baker; Paul Baldauf.
                                                                     P5. Appalachian Geomorphology.
  This session will examine the retreat of Earth’s glaciers coupled
with the perturbation of other earth systems by an intensely         Wed., 4 Nov., 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
warming climate. Three prestigious investigators, James Balog,
Richard Alley, and Lonnie Thompson, will seek to demonstrate         Advocates: Frank J. Pazzaglia; Gregory S. Hancock;
that “seeing is believing.” The program includes a screening of      Sean F. Gallen.
Chasing Ice.
                                                                       This full-day session is dedicated to new research and synoptic
P3. Earth-Life Systems at the Dawn of Animals.                       presentations of geomorphic processes and rates as seen through
                                                                     the lens of the Appalachian landscape.
Tues., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–noon.

Advocates: James D. Schiffbauer; Marc Laflamme;
Simon A.F. Darroch.

  Geobiologists, evolutionary biologists, paleontologists, sedi-
mentologists, geochemists, and earth-systems scientists will come


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