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SCIENCE & CAREERS                         The Pathway to a Successful Career: Building Value             GSA Career Pathway Programs

                   GSA TODAY | JUNE 2015  Sat., 31 Oct.,1–4 p.m. Instructor: Patrick McAndless,            GSA offers six programs at the Annual Meeting, all
                                          P.Geo, FGC.                                                    designed to develop skills and knowledge to enhance the
                                                                                                         professional and personal growth of students and K–12
                                            Whether you are just beginning your career or changing       teachers. These programs:
                                          your path, learn how to showcase your potential value to       • Concentrate on employment within various sectors
                                          employers and build marketing tools to help you succeed.
                                          This workshop will feature industry professionals who will       (Government and Industry Panels), specialties (John Mann
                                          offer tips and suggestions for navigating their company          Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology and The Paleontological
                                          hiring process. Read more at           Society Career Mentors Program) and specific issues
                                          gsa2015/science-careers/careers.                                 (Women in Geology);
                                                                                                         • Facilitate future career choices by sharing resources, skills,
                                          Connecting Students and Industry                                 and knowledge;
                                                                                                         • Enhance professional development (Student Networking
                                          Sun., 1 Nov., 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m.                                   Luncheon);
                                                                                                         • Provide networking opportunities with professionals and
                                            Interested in a career in private industry or want to learn    other students; and
                                          more about what it takes to get a job in industry? Plan to     • Provide attendees with critical feedback (the government
                                          attend these GeoCareers in Industry events to interact with      and industry panels are driven entirely by students’
                                          sponsoring representatives. Throughout the day, you will         questions).
                                          have opportunities for one-on-one time to present your         Go to
                                          research and learn about each company’s unique culture and     careers/mentor to learn more.
                                          work environments, as well as the types of geoscience careers
                                          available. Midday, come learn from our Industry Panel          GSA Professional Development: Be Heard & Be Interesting
                                          luncheon. The Sunday program ends with an evening recep-
                                          tion for student research presenters and sponsoring corpora-   Science communication strategies for interacting with the
                                          tions. To register for this event, go to community.geosociety  public, policymakers, and social media
                                                                                                         Sat., 31 Oct., 8 a.m.–noon. Professionals: US$35; students:
                                          Résumé Clinic                                                  US$25; includes continental breakfast. Limit: 30. Sign up
                                                                                                         when you register or call GSA Sales & Service, +1-800-443-
                                          Sun., 1 Nov., 9 a.m.–5 p.m.                                    4472, to add the workshop.

                                            Plan to sign-up on-site for a private consultation with a      Have you ever struggled to explain your research to a
                                          geoscience professional to review your résumé and discuss      friend? Would you like to be able to tell your Senator your
                                          strategies to better market yourself to potential employers.   views on policy? Are you interested in using Twitter but aren’t
                                                                                                         sure how? Learn from experts and each other as you hone
                                          On To the Future: Seeking Mentors                              your public communication and outreach skills, and practice
                                                                                                         in a safe and comfortable setting.
                                          Are you interested in mentoring a student at
                                          GSA’s Annual Meeting?                                            You will leave knowing how to create clear and concise
                                                                                                         messages that are targeted to your audience, as well as how to
                                            The On To the Future Program (OTF) seeks mentors to          prepare for a media interview. You will learn strategies for using
                                          pair with students receiving OTF awards. Mentors will assist   social media, identify opportunities for interacting with
                                          OTF students who are underrepresented in the geosciences       laypersons in your community, and gain an understanding of
                                          navigate their first meeting and answer career related ques-   how to approach policy makers on scientific issues.
                                          tions. To learn more about this program and how to become
                                          a mentor, please visit the OTF website at community              Communication skills are key to a successful career and
                                              important in all aspects of life. Give yours the attention
                                                                                                         they deserve.

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