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GSA 2015 ANNUAL MEETING & EXPOSITION                                                                            BALITMORE

                   President’s Welcome

Jonathan G. Price    Please join your colleagues at the GSA 2015 Annual Meeting in Baltimore, on
                   1–4 November. It promises to be a superb experience for geoscientists. Our
                   return to the East Coast will feature outstanding field trips to classic sites in the
                   Appalachians, piedmont, and Atlantic coastal plain; short courses designed to
                   enhance professional development in research, applied geology, and teaching;
                   technical sessions covering forefronts in our science; an exhibit hall with a
                   mixture of scientific posters, publishers, equipment and service vendors,
                   geoscience organizations, and graduate schools; and special presentations.

                     Among the highlights will be a two-day Pardee symposium honoring the
                   200th anniversary of the publication of the first modern geologic map of a
                   large region—England, Wales, and portions of Scotland—by William Smith
                   (see p. 39). His map had direct implications for our science as well as for the
                   development of water and mineral resources, and GSA sessions will highlight
                   how our science has expanded on the foundation that Smith built. We will also
                   be celebrating the first GSA Geologic Mapping Award in Honor of Florence
                   Bascom, a pioneer in North American geology. Other highlights include a
                   special session on the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake and new “Feed Your
                   Brain” lectures scheduled during lunch breaks Mon.–Wed.

                     Our Baltimore event will also host the second joint meeting of GSA and the
                   Geological Society of China. Called a “meeting within a meeting,” it will take
                   place on Sun.–Mon., 1–2 Nov., and features a three-day pre-meeting field trip
                   studying the North American Cordillera.

                     All this, coupled with the extraordinary setting of the Baltimore–
                   Chesapeake Bay area, make this an event not to miss.

                   GSA President Jonathan G. Price, Jonathan G. Price LLC

                   Organizing Committee

GENERAL CHAIR                                                          SPONSORSHIP CHAIR
David A. Vanko, Towson University,                   David A. Vanko, Towson University,

TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR                                                K–12 EDUCATION CHAIR
Patrick Burkhart, Slippery Rock University,   Michael Passow, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia
Richard A. Ortt, Jr., Maryland Geological Survey,                      SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIR                                              Michael S. Kelley, NASA Headquarters,

FIELD TRIP CO-CHAIRS                                                   STUDENT COMMITTEE
David K. Brezinsky, Maryland Geological Survey,                        Hannah Susorney, Johns Hopkins University,
                                                                       Sophie Lehmann, Johns Hopkins University,
Jeffrey P. Halka, Maryland Geological Survey,


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