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MILL CREEK DOME                                                             Table 1. Modal composition of gneisses from Mill Creek dome

                              On aeromagnetic maps of the area around Baltimore (Bromery                                   1715*  Sample no.                    1716§
                            and others, 1964; Bromery, 1967; I. Zietz and J.R. Kirby, unpub.                                         1718†
                            data), some of the northernmost Baltimore Gneiss domes coincide
                            with distinctive deep magnetic lows. This is also true for some of   Quartz                    25.0 30.0 12.4
                            the gneiss domes in southeastern Pennsylvania (I. Zietz and J.R.
                            Kirby, unpub. data). In southeastern Pennsylvania and north-         Microcline 46.9 33.7                                           –
                            western Delaware, near the common border of these states with
                            Maryland, aeromagnetic maps (Henderson and others, 1963;             Oligoclase                23.2 30.9 33.3
                            Fig. 2, this paper) show a large magnetic low, similar in style and
                            intensity to the lows associated with some of the gneiss domes       Biotite                   4.6 5.2 0.6
                            near Baltimore. Some geologic maps of this area (Bascom and
                            Miller, 1920; Bascom and Stose, 1932; Gray and others, 1960)         Hornblende                –      – 50.5
                            show discontinuous outcrop areas of marble (Bascom and Stose
                            and Gray and others called it Cockeysville Marble) coinciding        Opaques                   trace  trace                         1.2
                            with the gradient on the edges of the magnetic low. No Setters
                            Formation rocks are shown in this area on any of the maps. On all    Garnet                    – – 2.0
                            the maps except Bascom and Miller’s (1920), the rocks that coin-
                            cide with the main part of the magnetic low are shown as             Accessories               0.3    0.2 trace

                                                                                                 Total                     100.0  100.0                         100.0

                                                                                                 Points counted            501    501                           510

                                                                                                 *Layered biotite-quartz-feldspar migmatite, Pennsylvania State Rte. 82,

                                                                                                 305 m (1,000 ft) north of Delaware state line.
                                                                                                   †Layered biotite-quartz-feldspar migmatite, Pennsylvania State Rte. 82,

                                                                                                 at Delaware state line.
                                                                                                   §Garnet amphibolite, Delaware State Rte. 82, 46 m (150 ft) south of

                                                                                                 Pennsylvania state line.

GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2015                                      Figure 2. Aeromagnetic map of part of southeastern Pennsylvania, northwestern Delaware, and
                                                                northeastern Maryland. Deep magnetic low (patterned) approximately outlines Mill Creek dome of
                                                                Baltimore Gneiss, Setters Formation, and Cockeysville Marble.

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