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                                                      Joseph Thomas Pardee (1871–1960)

Pardee Keynote Symposia

        Pardee Keynote Symposia are named in honor of GSA Fellow and benefactor Joseph Thomas Pardee (1871–1960)
     via a bequest from Mary Pardee Kelly. These symposia consist of invited presentations covering a broad range of topics.

Sunday                                                               Tuesday                                                                    SCIENCE & CAREERS

P1. Celebrating the Genius of William “Strata” Smith:                P3. Earth-Life Systems at the Dawn of Animals.
Bicentennial Anniversary of Smith’s Revolutionary Map.
Parts I and II.                                                      8 a.m.–noon, BCC Room 327/328/329.

8 a.m.–4 p.m., Baltimore Convention Center (BCC)                     Conveners: James D. Schiffbauer, Marc Laflamme, and Simon
Room 327/328/329.                                                    A.F. Darroch.

Conveners: George H. Davis, Renee Clary, and                           Geobiologists, evolutionary biologists, paleontologists, sedi-
Suzanne O’Connell.                                                   mentologists, geochemists, and earth-systems scientists will be
                                                                     brought together to showcase high-impact research, identify the
  Smith’s 1815 A Delineation of the Strata of England and Wales      frontiers of current research, and present key questions to be
with Part of Scotland stands as a milestone in the geological        addressed in future prospects on the rise of animals across the
sciences. Smith’s genius influenced geology’s formative period,      Precambrian–Cambrian transition.
and beyond. This session will explore “Smith” fundamentals in
relation to our science today. See p. 38–40 for more about Smith     P4. Similar Information, Different Results: Fracking from
and to view a copy of his map.                                       State to State.

Monday                                                               1:30–5:30 p.m., BCC Room 327/328/329.

P1. Celebrating the Genius of William “Strata” Smith:                Conveners: R. Laurence Davis and Christopher P. Carlson.
Bicentennial Anniversary of Smith’s Revolutionary Map.
Part III.                                                              Using similar data, different states have formulated very
                                                                     different approaches to addressing oil and gas recovery from shale
8 a.m.–noon, BCC Room 327/328/329.                                   plays using hydrofracking. During this session, geologists and
                                                                     policy makers representing several states will outline their states’
Conveners: George H. Davis, Renee Clary, and                         policies and discuss how they were developed. The presentations
Suzanne O’Connell.                                                   will be followed by a panel discussion about approaches to formu-
                                                                     lating policy for controversial issues along with time for questions
  This is a continuation of the Sunday session.                      and discussion with the audience.

P2. Savor the Cryosphere.                                            Wednesday

1:30–5:30 p.m., BCC Room 327/328/329.                                P5. Appalachian Geomorphology, Parts I and II.

Conveners: Patrick Burkhart, Greg Baker, and Paul Baldauf.           8 a.m.–5:30 p.m., BCC Room 327/328/329.

  This session will be the ultimate colloquium for 2015 that         Conveners: Frank J. Pazzaglia, Gregory S. Hancock, and
examines the retreat of glaciers on Earth, coupled to the perturba-  Sean F. Gallen.
tion of other Earth systems by an intensely warming climate.
Three prestigious investigators seek to demonstrate that “seeing is    This full-day session is dedicated to new research and synoptic
believing.” The program includes a screening of Chasing Ice,         presentations of geomorphic processes and rates as seen through
coupled with a panel discussion and Q&A. The panel features          the lens of the Appalachian landscape, the spawning ground of
James Balog (Extreme Ice Survey), Richard Alley (The Two-Mile        the great paradigms championed by Davis and Hack. The session
Time Machine: Ice Cores, Abrupt Climate Change, and Our Future),     will continue the discussion started during pre-meeting field trips
and Lonnie Thompson (tropical ice in South America, Africa,          also devoted to the topic of Appalachian geomorphology and will
and Asia).                                                           be linked to a topical session with a similar focus. Session leaders
                                                                     envision addressing topics including, but not limited to, dynamic
                                                                     uplift, fluvial incision, drainage network steadiness, rates and
                                                                     processes of erosion, hillslope and periglacial processes, and soils.


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