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                                                                           Technical Sessions

                                               Speaker Ready Room

SCIENCE & CAREERS                              Baltimore Convention Center, Room 333                                              Baltimore
                                                                                                                                Meeting App
                                               Sat., 31 Oct., 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
                                                                                                                       GSA has a new meeting app that can be used in two ways:
                                               Sun.–Tues., 1–3 Nov., 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.                             (1) Install it as a native app on iOS or Android phones and tablets,
                                                                                                                     and you can browse and search the entire meeting even without
                                               Wed., 4 Nov., 6:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.                                     an Internet connection; (2) As a Web app, this responsively
                                                                                                                     designed application will run on any Web browser and work well
                                                 We highly recommend that all speakers visit the speaker ready       on screens of any size. The app will help you build your own
                                               room for an opportunity to run through their presentations and        schedule for the meeting, and that schedule will sync with all of
                                               get comfortable with the equipment. Highly qualified technicians      the devices on which you run the app. This way, you can start
                                               are on-hand to offer assistance.                                      planning for the meeting using the Web app and then continue
                                                                                                                     using the app on your smartphone or tablet while in Baltimore.
                                                 To submit your presentation prior to the meeting (deadline:
                                               11:59 p.m. EDT, 28 Oct.), please upload to the Conference               The Web app is available this month (early to mid-September).
                                               Exchange Web site at You         Native apps will be available in the Apple Store and Play Store in
                                               will need to know your abstract ID (see your abstract acceptance      early October. If your mobile device is short on memory and you
                                               notification) and password. Your abstract acceptance e-mail will      would prefer not to install the native app, and if you have a good
                                               also include the time and location of your presentation as well as    cellular data plan just in case you encounter Wi-Fi problems at the
                                               whether you’ve been slated for a talk or a poster. You can also       meeting, we recommend that you use the Web app on your phone.
                                               withdraw your presentation via this site.
                                                                                                                       For more information and download links go to community
                                                 If you are unable to submit your presentation prior to the
                                               meeting, please do so in the speaker ready room the day before
                                               your presentation, following this schedule:                           Includes the Entire Technical Program

                                               If your Presentation is on  Upload no later than                      • 	 Locate the sessions and individual talks you want to hear, and
                                                                                                                          add them to your personal schedule;
                                               Sunday                      8 p.m., Saturday, 31 Oct.
                                                                                                                     • 	 See who is exhibiting and add them as favorites;
                                               Monday                      6:30 p.m., Sunday, 1 Nov.
                                                                                                                     • 	 Find speakers and add them as contacts;
                                               Tuesday                     6:30 p.m., Monday, 2 Nov.
                                                                                                                     • 	 Select events to attend and add them to your calendar; and
                                               Wednesday                   6:30 p.m., Tuesday, 3 Nov.
                                                                                                                     • 	 View uploaded presentations.
                                                 If you have a Sunday presentation and are unable to get to the
                                               speaker ready room on Saturday, please take your presentation           Everything you need to know about the meeting, always at
                                               directly to your session room at least 30 minutes before the session  your fingertips!
                                               is scheduled to begin.

                                                 Acceptable file types: PowerPoint (.ppt or .pps), Microsoft
                                               Word (.doc), or PDF (.pdf). If your graphics or video clips are not
                                               embedded in your presentation, please be sure that you bring
                                               them as well.

                   GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2015    Mac users: We strongly recommend that you test your
                                               Mac-produced presentation on a Windows-based system before
                                               coming to the meeting. Make sure that the hyperlinks still func-
                                               tion, and avoid using a rewritable CD (CD-RW), as we’ve encoun-
                                               tered compatibility problems with them. If your presentation
                                               includes embedded video, your video will most likely NOT play
                                               automatically on the PC platform. You will need to convert your
                                               .mov files to .avi format or create a link in your slide show to an
                                               external .mov file. If you choose the latter, your animation will
                                               play in a separate QuickTime window, outside of your PowerPoint
                                               presentation. If you are unable to run your Mac presentation from
                                               a PC, we will be able to accommodate you; please talk to the tech-
                                               nicians in the Speaker Ready Room for more information.


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