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units (Figs. 1B and 2; Iturralde-Vinent, 2011). Many of these      (Iturralde-Vinent, 2013; Iturralde-Vinent et al., 2008; van
                          units were partially subducted, metamorphosed, and exhumed.        Hinsbergen et al., 2009).
                          These lithotectonic associations are briefly summarized in the
                          following sections.                                                Caribeana Metamorphic Terranes

                          NORTH AMERICAN (NOAM) ACCRETED DEPOSITS                              These terranes comprise Proto-Caribbean Jurassic-Cretaceous
                                                                                             passive margin and oceanic protoliths (Figs. 1B and 2) that were
                            North American igneous rocks and sediments originally            subducted and accreted to Cuba ~75–60 m.y. ago (García-Casco
                          formed along the Yucatan and Bahamas passive margins and else-     et al., 2008). Caribeana is represented in Cuba by (1) the Cangre
                          where in the Proto-Caribbean basin. These units now crop out as    glaucophane-bearing terrane; (2) the Pinos metamorphic terrane;
                          juxtaposed fold-and-thrust belts of the Guaniguanico terrane, the  (3) the Escambray greenschist to eclogite facies complex with
                          Northern Foldbelt, and the metamorphic Caribeana terranes          inverted metamorphic structure; and (4) the Asunción lawsonite
                          (Fig. 1B).                                                         and glaucophane-bearing terrane (Figs. 1B and 2; Somin and
                                                                                             Millán, 1981; García-Casco et al., 2008; Despaigne et al., 2016).
                          Guaniguanico Terrane
                                                                                             CARIBBEAN PLATE
                            This terrane includes Early(?) Jurassic to latest Cretaceous
                          passive margin siliciclastics, marine basalts, limestone, shale,     CARIB allochthonous units are fragments of Pacific oceanic
                          and chert that record the origin and evolution of the Proto-       lithosphere that migrated into their present positions during
                          Caribbean seaway (Fig. 2; Pszczółkowski, 1999; Iturralde-          Cretaceous time. An integrated geologic (Whattam and Stern,
                          Vinent, 2011). These rocks are overlain by Paleocene to Lower      2015) and geodynamic (Gerya et al., 2015) case has been made
                          Eocene synorogenic foredeep sedimentary rocks, including           that Caribbean plate formation began when the Galapagos mantle
                          limestones, flysch, and olistostrome deposits. This ensemble was   plume head impinged on the Proto-Caribbean seaway in Early
                          overthrust by ophiolitic and volcanic arc units (Bralower and      Cretaceous time. Alternatively, Pindell et al. (2012) proposed
                          Iturralde-Vinent, 1997).                                           that onset of subduction at ca. 135 Ma occurred along an inter-
                                                                                             American transform fault with no influence of plume head.
                          Northern Foldbelt                                                  The Greater Antilles subduction zone along the leading edge of
                                                                                             the Caribbean plate was responsible for the subduction of at
                            This belt preserves the southern edge of the Mesozoic Florida-   least 1500 km of Proto-Caribbean and NOAM lithosphere in a
                          Bahamas platform deposits (Figs. 1B and 2; Meyerhoff and           SW-dipping intra-oceanic subduction zone (Figs. 1B and 2).
                          Hatten, 1974). The Northern Foldbelt and the Guaniguanico          The following CARIB units can be distinguished in Cuba.
                          Terrane share similar Late Jurassic and Cretaceous Proto-
                          Caribbean marine deposits. Between Paleocene and early Upper       Ophiolites and Ophiolitic Mélange
                          Eocene time, a forebulge and synorogenic foredeep developed
                          with olistostrome, flysch, and carbonate deposition ahead of the     These rocks outcrop discontinuously for more than 1000 km
                          leading edge of CARIB; extensive overthrusting also occurred       along the northern margin of Cuba. They were obducted onto the

     Figure 2. Generalized tectonic-stratigraphic chart of Cuba modified from Iturralde-Vinent (2011). Under “volcanic arcs,” abbreviations refer to island arc tholeiite
     (IAT), alkaline suites (AL), and calc-alkaline suites (CALC). KTB channel refers to a deep erosional channel cut due to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary mass
     flows from the platform margins due to the impact.

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