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2017 GSA Awards & Medals                                                                       ®

Penrose Medal                                                                              How to Nominate

  The Penrose Medal was established in 1927 by R.A.F. Penrose Jr.        To ensure thorough consideration by the respective commit-
to be awarded in recognition of eminent research in pure geology,      tees, please follow these nomination instructions carefully; addi-
for outstanding original contributions, or for achievements that       tional information supplied will not enhance the nomination. For
mark a major advance in the science of geology. This award is          each candidate please submit the following:
made only at the discretion of the GSA Council, and nominees           1. Nomination form: Please go to
may or may not be members of the Society. Penrose’s sole objec-
tive was to encourage original work in purely scientific geology,        forms/Awardform.asp to submit the form online.
which is interpreted as applying to all scientific disciplines repre-  2. Supporting documents, to be submitted as e-mail attachments
sented by GSA. Scientific achievements should be considered
rather than contributions in teaching, administration, or service.       or via post; for Penrose, Day, and Donath, the following
Mid-career scientists who have already made exceptional contri-          supporting documents are required:
butions should be given full consideration for the award.
                                                                            • Curriculum vitae;
Day Medal                                                                   • Summary (300 words or fewer) of the scientific contribu-

  The Arthur L. Day Medal was established in 1948 through a                    tions to geology that qualify the candidate for the award;
donation by Arthur L. Day, founding director of the Geophysical             • Selected bibliography of no more than 20 titles (for the
Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. It is
awarded annually, or less frequently at the discretion of the                  Donath Medal, only 10 titles are required); and
Council, to recognize outstanding distinction in the application            • Letters of support from each of five GSA Fellows or
of physics and chemistry to the solution of geologic problems,
with no restriction to the particular field of geologic research. It           members in addition to the person making the nomina-
was Dr. Day’s wish to provide an award to recognize outstanding                tion. For the Day Medal only: letters from five scientists
achievement in research and to inspire further effort, rather than             with at least three of those being from GSA Fellows or
to reward a distinguished career, and so it has been the long-                 members and up to two from fellows or members of the
standing practice of the Society to award this medal to geoscien-              Mineralogical Society of America, Geochemical Society, or
tists actively pursuing a research career.                                     American Geophysical Union.

Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal)                                                                                                       GSA TODAY |

  The Young Scientist Award was established in 1988 to be
awarded to a young scientist (35 years or younger throughout the
year in which the award is to be presented—for 2017, only those
candidates born on or after 1 Jan. 1982 are eligible) for outstanding
achievement in contributing to geologic knowledge through orig-
inal research that marks a major advance in the earth sciences.
The award consists of a gold medal (the Donath Medal) and an

The deadline for receipt of all GSA medal, award, and recognition nominations is 1 Feb. 2017.

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