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                          2017 GSA Awards & Medals                                                                                                       ®

                          Honorary Fellowship                                                 GSA Fellowship

                            Established by the GSA Council in 1909, Honorary Fellowship         Fellowship is an honor that is bestowed on the best of our
                          may be bestowed on individuals who have made outstanding and        profession once per year at the spring GSA Council meeting and is
                          internationally recognized contributions to geoscience, or in rare  recognized at GSA’s Annual Meeting. GSA members are elected to
                          circumstances, provided notable service to the Society. In prac-    Fellowship in recognition of distinguished contributions to the
                          tice, nearly all candidates are non–North Americans who live and    geosciences. A GSA Fellow may support only two nominees per
                          work outside of North America. The awardee does not need to be      election cycle and only one as a primary nominator. A GSA
                          a GSA member to receive the award. No more than two Honorary        member who is not a Fellow may not be a primary nominator but
                          Fellows will be awarded annually. Honorary Fellows will be recog-   may be a secondary nominator for no more than two nominees
                          nized during the GSA Annual Meeting and will receive compli-        per election cycle.
                          mentary lifetime membership to the Society.
                                                                                                The primary nominator is responsible for collecting the entire
                                              How to Nominate                                 nomination packet (including letters of support) and must submit
                                                                                              the nomination as one e-mail (with supporting documents as
                          1. Nomination form: Please go to       attachments). Letters of support sent separately will not be
                            forms/Awardform.asp to submit the form online.                    accepted.

                          2. Supporting documents, to be submitted as e-mail attachments                          How to Nominate
                            or via post:
                               • Curriculum vitae;                                            1. Nomination form: Please go to
                               • Letter of nomination (300 words or fewer) that clearly         members/fellow.htm to submit the form online.
                                  demonstrates the applicability of the selection criteria;
                               • Letters of support from three scientists with at least two   2. Supporting documents, to be collected by the primary nomi-
                                  from GSA Fellows and one from a GSA Fellow or a person        nator and submitted as one package as e-mail attachments or
                                  of equivalent international stature; and                      via post:
                               • Selected bibliography of no more than 20 titles.                  • Curriculum vitae;
                                                                                                   • Letter of nomination, including a summary of the nomi-
                                                                                                      nee’s significant contributions supporting the selected
                                                                                                      criteria for election (up to two pages);
                                                                                                   • Supporting letter of nomination from each of the
                                                                                                      secondary nominators—at least one should be from an
                                                                                                      organization other than that of the nominee.

2017 GSA AWARDS & MEDALS                 Award Notes

                                                Candidates whose names are submitted by the respective award committees to GSA Council but who do
                                              not receive an award will remain under consideration by those committees for three years. For those still
                                              under consideration, it is recommended that an updated nomination letter be sent to GSA.

                                                All nomination forms and submission instructions can be found online at
                                              Nomination forms and instructions may also be obtained from GSA Grants and Awards, P.O. Box 9140,
                                              3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA,

                                               The deadline for receipt of all GSA medal, award, and recognition nominations is 1 Feb. 2017.

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