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Now at GSA:                                              Why GSA Membership
                                Your Time to Shine                                             is Important to Me

                          Volunteer or nominate a colleague to serve on a
                                GSA Committee. Start the process at

                          Student members are encouraged to bring their

                             unique points of view to GSA leadership.

                             It’s fall conference season, and this is a perfect opportunity  The things I value most about my GSA membership
                                to plan how you can stand out to potential employers.                    are the opportunities it provides for professional
                                  Career consultant Patrick McAndless, P.Geo, FGC,                       interaction with other geoscientists at the national
                                    delivers video tips to help you create a strategy                    and regional meetings. I work for a state govern-
                                                 at your next conference.                    ment agency as their only geologist in a satellite office in a
                                                                                             small town, several hundred miles from my home office,
                                   Building a Student Business Card                          and separated from my colleagues by a couple of mountain
                                                                                             ranges and a small desert. My job is very rewarding, but
                               sometimes professionally isolating. I’m fortunate that my
                                                                                             employer values participation at professional meetings, so
                          Building a Game Plan for a Geoscience Conference                   I’ve been able to attend national and regional GSA meetings
                                                                                             almost annually, and very often chair technical sessions at
                               the national meeting. I continue to be surprised at how
                                                                                             much I learn from attending these meetings, and not just
GSA TODAY | OCTOBER 2016                                                                     from the technical sessions. Very often, I’ll have extremely
                                                                                             valuable exchanges of information simply from casual
                                                                                             conversations in the corridors as I’m rushing from one talk
                                                                                             to another.

                                                                                               Attending GSA meetings also provides me with opportuni-
                                                                                             ties to interact with students. Although I’m affiliated with a
                                                                                             major state university, my position does not involve teaching,
                                                                                             since all the students are on the other side of those mountains
                                                                                             and deserts. I find the casual conversations I strike up with
                                                                                             students during the poster sessions very stimulating. I have
                                                                                             also taken advantage of the student mentor lunches that GSA
                                                                                             hosts at their annual meetings, great fun (and free food). That
                                                                                             kind of student-mentor interaction is something I rarely get
                                                                                             anywhere else.

                                                                                               Lewis Land
                                                                                               New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
                                                                                               National Cave and Karst Research Institute
                                                                                               GSA member since 1992

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