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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    2016. Questions about the search can be directed            We seek dynamic, innovative, geoscientists with
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    to Dr. Glenn Kroeger [].             demonstrated experience in leading large, multi-
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   Minority and women candidates are strongly               disciplinary teams and in obtaining funding from both, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  encouraged to apply. Trinity University is an Equal      industry and government to become the Director of
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       Opportunity Employer.                                    the Berg-Hughes Center (http://berg-hughes.tamu
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                                                                            .edu.). This is a senior-level faculty position (Professor,
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                            PALEONTOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF                        or Executive Professor) in sedimentary or petroleum
                                               Per line each            GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS AT                        geology.
                                                                             TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY
                            Per Line for       addt’l month                                                                 We are seeking candidates with strong accom-
                                                                The Department of Geology and Geophysics at              plishments in applying fundamental concepts in
Classification              1st month          (same ad)        Texas A&M University invites applications for a          petroleum geosciences and engineering to grand
                                                                tenure-track faculty position in paleontology. Areas     challenges in energy and natural resource sciences,
Positions Open              $9.20              $8.95            of interest include marine micropaleontology,            ranging from the pore to basin scale. Areas of exper-
Fellowship Opportunities    $9.20              $8.95            marine invertebrate paleontology, paleoecology,          tise may include, but are not limited to, sedimentary
Opportunities for Students  $0.00              $5.00            paleoclimatology and biostratigraphy. Successful         processes, depositional environments, sequence
                            $5.00              $5.00            applicants are expected to develop and maintain a        stratigraphy, basin architecture, basin modeling,
  First 25 lines                                                vigorous, externally funded research program and         geologic modeling, and energy and natural resource
  Additional lines                                              demonstrate a commitment to exceptional under-           science. The successful applicant will be expected
                                                                graduate and graduate teaching through effective         to provide enlightened leadership, and effective
Positions Open                                                  pedagogical techniques. We are a collaborative,          management of the center activities. The Berg-Hughes         GSA TODAY |
                                                                broad-based Department within the College of             Center Director must possess the ability to engage
      IMOGENE AND HAROLD HERNDON                                Geosciences, which includes the Departments of           industry other colleges and government entities in
      PROFESSORSHIP IN GEOSCIENCES                              Oceanography, Atmospheric Science, Geography,            initiatives that advance scientific and technical fron-
                                                                Texas Sea Grant, the Geochemical and Environ-            tiers. The Director must have working knowledge
               TRINITY UNIVERSITY                               mental Research Group (GERG), and the Interna-           of petroleum engineering and the ability to bridge
The Department of Geosciences at Trinity University             tional Ocean Discovery Program. Opportunities for        geosciences with engineering disciplines. This posi-
invites applications for the Imogene and Harold                 collaboration also exist within the Faculty of Ecology   tion will also engage faculty and industrial leaders to
Herndon Professorship in Geosciences. Appoint-                  and Evolutionary Biology, which brings together          ensure that students participating in center activi-
ment to this endowed position is at the rank of                 faculty interested in Ecology and Evolutionary           ties become tomorrow’s leaders. The Director will
Professor with tenure. A Ph.D. in Geosciences or                Biology from across the campus.                          be expected to establish a vigorous and externally
a closely aligned field is required. The position                                                                        funded research program in collaboration with
includes a reduced teaching load and a yearly discre-              Interested candidates should submit electronic        faculty in the Department of Geology & Geophysics,
tionary budget.                                                 versions of a curriculum vita, statement of research     other research units in the College of Geosciences,
                                                                interests and teaching philosophy, the names and         the Department of Petroleum Engineering, the Texas
   We seek candidates whose research program is                 addresses of at least three references and up to         A&M Energy Institute and the petroleum industry.
widely recognized, externally funded, and provides              four reprints to     The successful candidate will also be expected to
opportunities for meaningful involvement of under-              Screening of applications will begin October 1, 2016,    mentor junior faculty and graduate students and
graduates. Demonstrated dedication to and success               and will continue until the position is filled. A Ph.D.  contribute to graduate teaching and research.
in undergraduate education are required. The                    is required at the time of employment.
successful candidate will teach introductory geosci-                                                                        Interested candidates should submit electronic
ences courses, at least one upper-level course related             Texas A&M University, a land-, sea-, and space-       versions of a curriculum vita, statements of research
to environmental geoscience, and other contributions            grant university, is located in a metropolitan area      interest and teaching philosophy, leadership philos-
to department and university core curricula. We are             with a dynamic and international community               ophy, funding history, and the names and email
open to a wide range of research specialties, including         of 255,000 people. Texas A&M University is an            addresses of at least three references, and up to
but not limited to hydrogeology, aqueous geochem-               affirmative action/equal opportunity employer            four reprints at
istry, soil science, climate science, and oceanography.         committed to excellence through the recruitment          Screening of applications will begin October 1, 2016
                                                                and retention of a diverse faculty and student body      and will continue until the position is filled. A Ph.D.
   Trinity University (,                 and compliance with the American with Disabili-          or a M.S. with greater than 20 years industry experi-
founded in 1869, is an independent, coeducational,              ties Act. The University is dedicated to the goal of     ence, or industry engagement is required at the time
selective, primarily undergraduate institution with             building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty    of employment.
high-quality science, liberal arts, and pre-profes-             and staff committed to teaching and working in a
sional programs. Trinity is among the national                  multicultural environment. We strongly encourage            The Berg-Hughes Center for Petroleum and Sedi-
leaders in percentage of graduates who earn doctor-             applications from women, underrepresented ethnic         mentary Systems is a comprehensive program that
ates in the sciences. Undergraduate enrollment is               groups, veterans, and persons with disabilities. Texas   integrates geosciences, engineering and related disci-
about 2500, with students from all areas of the U.S.            A&M University also has a policy to address the          plines, including the Department of Geology and
and many foreign countries. The attractive campus               needs of dual-career partners (https://advance.tamu.     Geophysics and the Crisman Institute for Petroleum
overlooks downtown San Antonio, the 7th largest                 edu/dual-career-program-information/).                   Research in the Harold Vance Department of Petro-
city in the U.S., which is rich in heritage and ethnic                                                                   leum Engineering. The Department of Geology and
diversity. The Geosciences Department is housed                        DIRECTOR OF THE BERG-HUGHES                       Geophysics ( is part of the College
in the Center for Sciences and Innovation (https://                      CENTER FOR PETROLEUM AND                        of Geosciences, which also includes the Departments The department has granted degrees                           SEDIMENTARY SYSTEMS                         of Atmospheric Sciences, Geography, Oceanog-
in the geosciences for over 50 years and is a member                         TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY                        raphy, as well as Sea Grant, the Geochemical and
of the Keck Geology Consortium. Further infor-                                                                           Environmental Research Group (GERG), and the
mation about the department and this search can                 The Department of Geology and Geophysics at              Integrated Ocean Discovery Program (lODP).
be found at                 Texas A&M University invites applications for the
geosciences/.                                                   position of Director of the Berg-Hughes Center for          Texas A&M University, a land-, sea-, and
                                                                Petroleum and Sedimentary Systems. The Berg-             space-grant university is located in a metropolitan
   Applications or letters of nomination should                 Hughes Center integrates geosciences, engineering        area with a dynamic and international commu-
be sent to Complete                  and other disciplines to collaborate with industry       nity of 255,000 people. Texas A&M University is
applications must include a cover letter, curriculum            and others to advance research and education in          an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer
vitae, a detailed statement of undergraduate teaching           petroleum studies.
experience and philosophy, documentation and/
or evaluations of teaching effectiveness, a descrip-
tion of research plans, and the names and contact
information of four professional references. Review
of completed applications will begin on December 1,

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