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The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed        aqueous geochemistry. Review of applications will           Environmental Sciences undergraduate program,            GSA TODAY |
to a pluralistic campus community through affirma-        begin December 1, 2016 and continue until the               developing and maintaining robust programs of
tive action, equal opportunity, work-life balance,        position is filled. CSUB fosters and appreciates            research and scholarship, and providing service to the
and dual careers. See          ethnic and cultural diversity among its faculty and         department, the School of Science, and to Rensselaer.
notice-nondiscrimination.                                 students, and is committed to increasing the diver-
                                                          sity of its faculty to reflect the diversity of the campus     Rensselaer has recently initiated several bold, new
   For further information, contact Dr. Richard           community. Applications from women, ethnic                  initiatives; the successful candidate should interface
Kettler, Search Committee Chair by email, phone, or       minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities     with one or more of these areas. Examples of these
mail at:, 1-402-472-0882; Depart-       are welcome. The full announcement and instruc-             include the Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration
ment of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University          tions on how to apply can be found at http://www            and Applications (IDEA;, the
of Nebraska-Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall, Lincoln NE             Darrin Fresh Water Institute (DFWI), a comprehen-
68588-0340.                                               -position-announcement%20PDF.pdf.                           sive freshwater ecological field station and Institute-
                                                                                                                      wide research effort that hosts The Jefferson Project
              FACULTY POSITION IN                              ASSOCIATE OR FULL PROFESSOR IN                         at Lake George (
    GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING                            ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES, DEPT.                          In addition, the Institute is conceptualizing a new,
                                                                                                                      broader initiative that will bring together research
              AT THE UNIVERSITY OF                                 OF EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL                           and education activities in water, environment,
              WISCONSIN–MADISON                                         SCIENCES, RENSSELAER                          ecology, and sustainability.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is searching
for a faculty member with expertise in Geoenviron-                    POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE                              The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. or
mental Engineering to complement faculty in Civil         Troy, New York 12180-3590. The Department of                foreign degree equivalent in geoscience or related
and Environmental Engineering (http://www.engr.           Earth & Environmental Sciences at Rensselaer Poly-          discipline, along with the ability to demonstrate, and the Geological Engineering         technic Institute in Troy, NY invites applications for      through accomplishments achieved over a post-
Program ( Areas of interest         the position of Associate or Full Professor in Envi-        graduate academic career of seven or more years,
include sustainability and resiliency, energy, waste      ronmental Geosciences, with emphasis on individuals         an international reputation and record of excel-
management, materials and resource conserva-              with research interests in the areas of environmental       lence in scholarship, along with a sustained level
tion, infrastructure, and environmental policy and        geochemistry, hydrogeology, environmental remote            of high quality educational activities including
regulation as related to geotechnical and geological      or local sensing, global climate science/modeling           teaching and advising, and a significant level of
engineering research and practice. This is a full-time    (paleo or future), environmental data analysis, or envi-    professional service.
tenure-track or tenured position and is open at the       ronmental field-imaging visualization.
Assistant Professor rank.                                                                                                To apply, applicants must submit as single
   Applicants for this position are expected to              The successful candidate will have duties that           pdf document a curriculum vitae, a statement of
develop innovative and internationally recognized         include teaching graduate and undergraduate                 research accomplishments and goals, a description
research programs, contribute to scholarly work in        courses in the Department of Earth & Environmental          of teaching interests, and a list of four professional
Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geolog-           Sciences, fulfilling the duties of the Director of the
ical Engineering, undertake instruction in under-
graduate and graduate classes, and engage in profes-
sional service. Successful candidates are expected
to develop interactions with other faculty on the
University of Wisconsin-Madison campus including
those within the College of Engineering, and other
colleges at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
   Applications should include a cover letter, curric-
ulum vitae, research and teaching statements, and
the names and contact information for three refer-
ences all in one PDF Document.
   The University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison is
an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer that
promotes excellence through diversity and encourages
all qualified individuals to apply. Unless confidenti-
ality is requested in writing, information regarding the
applicants must be released upon request.
   The application deadline is October 15, 2016,
although applications may be considered until the
position is filled. Applications for the position must
be submitted electronically to Additional information about the
positions can be found here http://www.ohr.wisc

                 CALIFORNIA STATE

The Department of Geological Sciences at Cali-
fornia State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) invites
applications for tenure-track Assistant Professor
position beginning in Fall 2017. We seek a broadly
trained Geologist with a preferred specialization
in engineering geology, soil science, or hydrology/

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