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GSA TODAY | OCTOBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  by the estate of William E. White. The award will be        All application materials should be submitted          have requested letters of recommendation to:
                                                            made for one year and may be renewed for a second        through Bentley’s on-line employment site at https://        Dr. Steven G. Driese, Search Committee Chair,
                                                            year. The annual stipend will be no less than $60,000. (search jobs; department = Natural
                                                                                                                     and Applied Sciences). Applications should include        Department of Geosciences, One Bear Place #97354,
                                                               The William E. White Postdoctoral Scholarship         curriculum vitae, cover letter, separate statements       Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7354 USA;
                                                            will be awarded to an outstanding scientist who          of teaching philosophy and research plans, and            +1-254-710-2194; please submit all applications
                                                            has completed a Ph.D. degree, normally within the        contact information for three references. We will         electronically to
                                                            two-year period preceding the time of the appoint-       begin reviewing applications received by November
                                                            ment. The area of research is open, but the schol-       1, 2016, although applications will be accepted until        Salary is commensurate with experience and
                                                            ar’s research must be complementary to that being        the position is filled. Teaching and post-doctoral        qualifications. Applications will be reviewed begin-
                                                            pursued in the Department of Geological Sciences         research or industry experience is preferred. Antici-     ning 11/01/2016 and will be accepted until the posi-
                                                            and Geological Engineering. The research program         pated start date is July 1, 2017.                         tion is filled. To ensure full consideration, complete
                                                            to be undertaken and the level of support of research                                                              applications must be submitted by 11/15/2016.
                                                            costs and moving expenses will be negotiated with          TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                                            a faculty member at the time the award is made.                         GEOMICROBIOLOGY,                              Baylor University is a private not-for-profit
                                                            Potential applicants may obtain an outline of current                                                              university affiliated with the Baptist General
                                                            research interests on the Departmental website                        DEPT. OF GEOSCIENCES,                        Convention of Texas. As an Affirmative Action/
                                                   and are required                        BAYLOR UNIVERSITY                          Equal Opportunity employer, Baylor is committed
                                                            to initiate contact with a potential faculty supervisor                                                            to compliance with all applicable anti-discrimina-
                                                            in advance of applying. Fit with the research interests  Baylor University is a private Christian university       tion laws, including those regarding age, race, color,
                                                            of the Department and the research excellence of the     and a nationally ranked research institution, consis-     sex, national origin, marital status, pregnancy status,
                                                            candidate will be the primary considerations in the      tently listed with highest honors among The Chron-        military service, genetic information, and disability.
                                                            selection process.                                       icle of Higher Education’s “Great Colleges to Work        As a religious educational institution, Baylor is
                                                                                                                     For.” Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas          lawfully permitted to consider an applicant’s religion
                                                               The Department invites applications from              through the efforts of Baptist pioneers, Baylor is the    as a selection criterion. Baylor encourages women,
                                                            all qualified individuals. Queen’s University is         oldest continuously operating university in Texas.        minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities
                                                            committed to employment equity and diversity             The university provides a vibrant campus commu-           to apply.
                                                            in the workplace and welcomes applications from          nity for over 15,000 students from all 50 states and
                                                            women, visible minorities, aboriginal people,            more than 80 countries by blending interdisci-                          ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                                            persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual     plinary research with an international reputation                    EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC
                                                            orientation or gender identity.                          for educational excellence and a faculty commit-                    SCIENCES (HYDROGEOLOGY/
                                                                                                                     ment to teaching and scholarship. Baylor is actively                GROUNDWATER MODELING)
                                                               Applicants should send curriculum vitae, a state-     recruiting new faculty with a strong commitment to            UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA–LINCOLN
                                                            ment of research interests, and samples of research      the classroom and an equally strong commitment to         Applications are invited for a tenure track position as
                                                            writing to the following address. Applicants should      discovering new knowledge as we pursue our bold           Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and
                                                            contact their referees and arrange for at least three    vision, Pro Futuris (         Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska-
                                                            confidential letters of reference to be sent to the                                                                Lincoln. The successful candidate will be expected
                                                            address below. Review of complete applications will         The Baylor University Department of Geosciences        to participate in teaching and curricular develop-
                                                            begin on October 15, 2016.                               ( seeks a dynamic          ment of undergraduate and graduate courses, to
                                                                                                                     scholar to fill this position beginning August, 2017.     advise and direct graduate students, and to develop
                                                               Professor D. Jean Hutchinson, Department Head,        Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Geology, Micro-         a rigorous research program that is supported by
                                                            Department of Geological Sciences and Geological         biology, or a closely related discipline with a strong    external funding. It is expected that the research
                                                            Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario,      emphasis on microbial mediation of biogeochem-            program will focus on the responses of groundwater
                                                            Canada, K7L 3N6, Fax: 613-533-6592, hutchinj@            ical and hydrological processes within the vadose         systems to climate change. Candidates must hold a
                                                   and                           and shallow saturated zones. Utilization of unique        Ph.D. in Geology, Hydrogeology, or a related field
                                                                                                                     analytical techniques or conceptual modeling              at the time of appointment. Ability to contribute to
                                                                        TENURE-TRACK FACULTY                         coupled with field-based measurements is desired.         multidisciplinary water and climate research efforts
                                                                   ENERGY, NATURAL AND APPLIED                       Research areas may range in scope from the Critical       within Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
                                                                   SCIENCES, BENTLEY UNIVERSITY                      Zone to global biogeochemistry with relevance to          and across the university will be considered as an
                                                            Bentley University’s Natural and Applied Sciences        hydrologic cycles. Regardless of research focus area,     advantage. The preferred candidate will also demon-
                                                            Department invites applications for a tenure-track       enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research and culti-      strate strong potential for research and teaching.
                                                            faculty position in the broadly defined field of         vation of new collaborations is essential to this posi-      The Department of Earth and Atmospheric
                                                            energy, with research and teaching interests that        tion. The successful candidate may teach courses in       Sciences offers B.S. degrees in Geology and Mete-
                                                            could include energy technologies and innovation,        geomicrobiology, soil hydrology, or biogeochem-           orology-Climatology, as well as M.S. and Ph.D.
                                                            smart-grid technology, energy storage technology,        istry, establish and participate in externally-funded     degrees in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Primary
                                                            renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy systems      research, and successfully mentor M.S. and Ph.D.          research areas within the geological sciences include
                                                            management, availability and distribution of energy      candidates to graduation. The Department currently        sedimentary geology, paleontology and paleobi-
                                                            resources, energy analytics, energy transformations      consists of 17 tenured and tenure-track geoscientists,    ology, petroleum geosciences, hydrogeological
                                                            in Earth systems, or energy resources in the context     and supports the Baylor Center for Reservoir and          sciences, and geobiology. Research in atmospheric
                                                            of business, public policy, and global climate change.   Aquatic Systems Research (CRASR at http://www.            sciences is focused on meteorological hazards,
                                                               The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in a for further information). Research      climate change, and remote sensing. Additional
                                                            relevant STEM field, including physics, engineering,     space is available in the 500,000 ft2 “state-of-the-art”  information about our department can be found on
                                                            Earth sciences, chemistry, physical geography, envi-     Baylor Sciences Building.                                 our web site:
                                                            ronmental science, or related discipline. She/he must                                                                 To apply, go to
                                                            be an outstanding teacher who can engage under-             Applications for the position will be accepted         ings/51081 and complete the “faculty/administrative
                                                            graduate students, most of whom are business majors,     until the position is filled. Please submit a letter of   form”. Applicants must attach a cover letter, curric-
                                                            and perform innovative research in his/her fields of     application, current curriculum vitae, official tran-     ulum vitae, statements of research and teaching
                                                            expertise. Bentley is an equal opportunity employer      script showing highest degree conferred (if ABD,          interests, and names of at least three references via
                                                            building strength through diversity. See the university  also send official transcript of completed Ph.D.          the above website. We will begin to review applica-
                                                            website ( for information about the      hours), and a description of your research plan and       tions on November 23, but the position will remain
                                                            school, the Natural & Applied Sciences Department,       teaching philosophy. Include names, addresses, and        open until it is filled.
                                                            its faculty, students, and programs.                     phone numbers of three individuals from whom you

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