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GSA TODAY | OCTOBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  references to: E&ES Faculty Search, Department of        program, maintain a strong publication record,                  the positions: To
                                                            Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rensselaer Poly-       teach a range of undergraduate and graduate                     be considered for one of the four available positions,
                                                            technic Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-       courses, advise students, and be active in university           apply electronically at
                                                            3590; Email: (electronic submissions      service. We are seeking candidates who will comple-             Applications completed by October 31st, 2016, will
                                                            are preferred). Up to four select publications may be    ment our research programs in biogeochemistry and               receive fullest consideration, but each department
                                                            sent as separate files. Consideration of candidates      environmental geology as well as foster collaboration           will continue reviewing applicant files until that
                                                            will begin upon receipt of application. Applications     with environmental scientists across the Washington             position is filled.
                                                            are encouraged by midnight, December 24, 2016,           University community.
                                                            and recruiting will continue until the position is                                                                          The school is especially interested in candidates
                                                            filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at         Candidates must have a Ph.D. with a focus in envi-           who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of
                                                            GSA and AGU in Fall 2016.                                ronmental Earth science, or a related field, at the time        the academic community through research, teaching
                                                                                                                     of appointment, and should send a letter of applica-            and service. The University of California is an Equal
                                                               We welcome candidates who will bring diverse          tion, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and              Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all
                                                            intellectual, geographical, gender, and ethnic           research interests, and names and contact informa-              qualified applicants will receive consideration for
                                                            perspectives to Rensselaer’s work and campus             tion of at least four references as a single PDF to Alex        employment without regard to race, color, religion,
                                                            communities. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is         Bradley, Climate Search Committee Chair, Depart-                sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national
                                                            an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity, Race/           ment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington                origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or
                                                            Gender/Veterans/Disability Employer.                     University, Campus Box 1169, 1 Brookings Drive, St.             any other characteristic protected by law.
                                                                                                                     Louis, MO 63130, or via e-mail: ClimateFacSearch@
                                                                          ASSISTANT PROFESSOR               The Department seeks an exception-                       HYDROLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY
                                                                         HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY                           ally qualified and diverse faculty; women, minorities,                      DEPT. OF EARTH SCIENCES
                                                                          GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES                        protected veterans and candidates with disabilities are                   UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA
                                                                     SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY                      strongly encouraged to apply. Washington University
                                                            The Department of Geological Sciences at San             in St. Louis is committed to the principles and prac-           The Department of Earth Sciences in the College
                                                            Diego State University invites applications for          tices of equal employment opportunity and affirmative           of Science and Engineering at the University of
                                                            a tenure-track faculty member at the Assistant           action. It is the University’s policy to recruit, hire, train,  Minnesota - Twin Cities is soliciting applications
                                                            Professor level in hydrogeology contributing to the      and promote persons in all job titles without regard to         for a tenure-track faculty position in hydrology/
                                                            Blue Gold, Mitigating Water Scarcity initiative at       race, color, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation,         hydrogeology at the assistant professor level.
                                                            SDSU (, with preference        gender identity or expression, national origin, veteran         Exceptional candidates at the associate professor
                                                            for expertise in geochemical, quantitative tech-         status, disability, or genetic information. Applications        level will also be considered. This position will
                                                            niques and/or geophysical methods in assessing           should be received by November 1, 2016, to ensure full          carry with it additional resources from the Gibson
                                                            water fluxes and/or rock-water interactions. Candi-      consideration.                                                  Endowed Fund for research activities over the first
                                                            dates must have a PhD in Geological Sciences or a                                                                        five years of the appointment.
                                                            related field at the time of appointment. The full                  TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT
                                                            advertisement and directions for application are                       PROFESSOR POSITIONS                                  Areas of research for this position could include
                                                            posted at (                                                                          physical, chemical, and/or biological aspects of
                                                            The successful candidate is expected to estab-                      FACULTY CLUSTER HIRE IN                              hydrology or hydrogeology. Frontier topics of
                                                            lish an independent externally-funded research                     EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES                               interest in this field include, among others, research
                                                            program and teach and supervise student research                   UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA                              at non-traditional spatial scales, grand challenges
                                                            at graduate and undergraduate levels. Anticipated                                                                        in water resource sustainability and security,
                                                            start date for the position is Fall 2017. Applica-                         SANTA BARBARA                                 novel measurement techniques and datasets, and
                                                            tions received by October 15, 2016 will receive          The University of California Santa Barbara                      links between the study of hydrological systems
                                                            full consideration. The position will remain open        announces a multidisciplinary cluster hire of four              and subsurface geology, other portions of the
                                                            until filled. For additional information contact the     outstanding scientists, to further strengthen its               earth system, and/or other disciplines, as well as
                                                            co-Chairs of the Search Committee, Kathryn Thor-         world class Earth surface process teaching and                  other topics. The successful candidate is expected
                                                            bjarnarson,, and           research mission. We seek dynamic researchers who               to develop a vigorous research program, attract
                                                            David Kimbrough,               are at the forefront of advancing theory, measure-              external funding, and contribute to the instruction,
                                                               SDSU is a Title IX, equal opportunity employer.       ments and understanding in terrestrial Earth Surface            research, and service efforts of the department. A
                                                                                                                     Processes from disciplines including climatology,               Ph.D. in earth sciences or a related field is required at
                                                                          ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        geochemistry, geology, geomorphology, hydrology                 the time of appointment.
                                                                       OF EARTH AND PLANETARY                        and soil science. The cluster hire will build on UC
                                                                                                                     Santa Barbara’s foundation strengths in physical                   The Department of Earth Sciences is a vibrant
                                                                         SCIENCES, WASHINGTON                        geography and Earth and environmental sciences.                 interdisciplinary department whose research ranges
                                                                        UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS                      Successful hires will contribute to improving our               from geobiology to deep earth dynamics. Along-
                                                            The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at        understanding of the characteristics and functioning            side our commitment to excellence in scholarship,
                                                            Washington University in St. Louis invites applica-      of the entire planet, and especially its terrestrial            we seek to further the University of Minnesota’s
                                                            tions for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position    surface through the study of the complex interac-               land-grant mission through developing ties with
                                                            in the fields of climate, carbon cycling, or paleocli-   tions among atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere,                 industry and/or governmental agencies that benefit
                                                            matology. The ideal candidate will study climate         biosphere, cryosphere, including their alteration by,           the needs of our students, the state of Minnesota,
                                                            or the effects of climate change in modern systems       and impact on, human activity. We will give prefer-             and the broader community. The Department is in
                                                            and/or over Cenozoic Earth history. Areas of interest    ence to candidates with demonstrated expertise in               the N.H. Winchell School of Earth Sciences (http://
                                                            include but are not limited to: paleoclimatology         one or more quantitative techniques including field   , which also includes the Insti-
                                                            and records of consequent environmental change;          measurement, remote sensing, modeling, and theory               tute for Rock Magnetism, the Limnological Research
                                                            elemental cycling and associated climate feedbacks;      and candidates who, based on research and teaching              Center/National Lacustrine Core Facility/Conti-
                                                            the response of terrestrial, marine, and/or freshwater   proficiency, would fit into one of the following: the           nental Scientific Drilling Coordination Office, the
                                                            systems to climate change. The candidate is expected     Bren School of Environmental Science and Manage-                Minnesota Geological Survey, the National Center
                                                            to employ quantitative tools and ideally will integrate  ment, the Department of Earth Science, and the                  for Earth-surface Dynamics, and the Polar Geospa-
                                                            field observations with laboratory measurements.         Department of Geography. Applications will be                   tial Center. Other affiliated research units at the
                                                               The successful candidate is also expected to          reviewed starting October 31, 2016, with expected               University include the Saint Anthony Falls Labo-
                                                            develop a vigorous, externally funded research           appointments on July 1, 2017. Please see the                    ratory and the Institute on the Environment. The
                                                                                                                     following website for a more complete description of            appointee will have access to large-scale computing
                                                                                                                                                                                     facilities (Minnesota Supercomputer Institute,

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