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GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2016 2017 Student                                              Why GSA Membership
                          Research Grants                                             is Important to Me

                                 GSA is proud to offer research grants         GSA membership is important to me because of the
                              to its highly qualified student members.                                            Society’s long-standing support of effective practice
                              Students may receive a total of two GSA                                             and rigorous research in geoscience education. I’m
                              graduate student grants in their entire                                             part of a cohort who trained initially as geoscientists,
                              academic career, regardless of what program      and who came by our subsequent scholarly interest in geoscience teaching and
                              they are currently enrolled in. The              learning after first accruing some experience as college or high school educators and
                              maximum award per grant is US$2,500.             having engaged with challenges of student interest and retention, access and inclu-
                              Students may be eligible for specialized         sion, authentic assessment, and public geoscience literacy. We became interested in
                              awards; in which case, the total funding         applying scientific methods to address these and other problems of teaching and
                              awarded could be greater than US$2,500.          learning. We gathered at GSA annual and sectional meetings to share ideas and
                                                                               present our work, in part because of the Society’s affiliation with the National
                                 The GSA student research grant applica-       Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) and the co-convening of NAGT events
                              tion process is available online only; no        with these meetings. I initially became a Society member for the geology, and that is
                              paper applications or letters will be accepted.  still an important reason for my continued active membership. But as my research
                              Apply online at              interests in place-based and cross-cultural geoscience teaching and learning grew
                              grants/gradgrants.htm starting in                out of my work in Native American communities, the professional value of my GSA
                              December. Online submissions must be             membership increased proportionately. I am a past-president of NAGT and have
                              completed by Wednesday, 1 Feb. 2017, at          served on GSA’s education and diversity committees—and I am truly proud to have
                              5 p.m. MST.                                      witnessed and collaborated in the great expansion of co-sponsored Geo-Ed sessions
                                                                               and short courses at GSA meetings, the genesis and growth of the Geoscience
                                 For further information on the 2017           Education Division (GED), and the publication of a number of GSA Special Papers
                              Research Grants Program, go to www               focused on geoscience teaching and learning. We’ve gained two more generations of
                    ,           geoscience-education researchers, now including scholars who’ve identified as such
                              call +1-303-357-1025, or e-mail awards@          from the inception of their careers. GSA is a professional home to them too. An
                                                      increasing number of geoscience-education researchers are being recognized as GSA
                                                                               Fellows; this reflects both the maturity of the field and the Society’s profound
                          Exploring Career Paths                               support of it. At each year’s Annual Meeting, GSA, GED, and NAGT together offer
                          through Published                                    the broadest, deepest, and most current program in geoscience education research
                          Materials Webinar                                    and practice. I encourage all geoscientists to sample some of that bounty! GSA
                                                                               membership has been indispensable to my career—and now, it is providing the same
                              Wed., 9 Nov., 11 a.m.–noon MST                   kinds of benefits to my students.
                                 Learn about the types of career paths by
                                                                                 Steven Semken
                              exploring the published materials, subject         Arizona State University
                              classification scheme, historical aspects of       GSA Member since 1988
                              geoscience careers and research, and other         GSA Fellow since 2014
                              hidden information gems within the USGS
                              Library. Presenter: Emily Wild, U.S.
                              Geological Survey. Read the abstract and
                              register at https://attendee.gotowebinar

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