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Figure 1. Extent of the Markagunt gravity slide
(MGS), which moved as a single, gigantic, cata-
strophic slide, despite being larger than Rhode
Island. The ramp fault is where the slide mass
moved southward up and over the former land sur-
face at least 35 km. The Rubys Inn thrust faults
resulted from gravitational spreading of the volca-
nic field prior to MGS emplacement. The southern
margin of the newly discovered Sevier gravity slide
(SGS, which forms much of the Sevier Plateau),
possibly triggered by inflation of the 23 Ma Monroe
Peak caldera, is also shown. SLC—Salt lake City.
• The role of magmatic intrusions in inflation of volcanic fields significant opportunities for collaborative, cross-disciplinary GSA TODAY |
and slope destabilization; research not only in our effort to characterize the MGS, but to
understand how it relates to other large terrestrial landslides and
• Gravitational basement spreading of volcanic fields prior to volcanic provinces throughout the world.
catastrophic failure;
• Comparison of structural features of the MGS with those of The Field Forum will be based out of hotels in Cedar City and
low-angle normal faults;
Bryce Canyon City, Utah. Some critical outcrops will require
• The use of analog and numerical modeling techniques in simu- off-trail hiking of 1 or 2 km over locally steep slopes. Elevations
lating the growth of volcanic fields and sector collapse; and are between 1800 and 3400 m.
16 Sept.: Evening ice breaker.
• The possible importance of monitoring radial spreading of 17 Sept., Day 1: Half day of invited and volunteered presentations,
modern volcanic fields to aid hazard assessment of potentially then a field introduction to local volcanic stratigraphy.
catastrophic collapse, not just of individual volcanic cones, but 18 Sept., Day 2: Former land surface segment; age constraints;
of entire sectors of active volcanic fields. mechanics of basal breccia formation.
19 Sept., Day 3: MGS breakaway area and western slide margin;
The subject of large-scale catastrophic failure of volcanic fields ramp fault; catastrophic versus tectonic mechanisms.
will bring together researchers and students—specialists in struc- 20 Sept., Day 4: Bedding-plane segment and features diagnostic of
tural geology, rock mechanics, landslides, volcanology, petrog- slide margins and catastrophic emplacement.
raphy, tectonics, geochronology, geophysics, sedimentology, and
modeling—using different approaches that collectively may yield continued on p. 24
a better understanding of these rare but complex catastrophic
events. The field-based format of this forum will allow for lively 23
discussions, integration of ideas, and development of future
research and collaborations. Our goal is to assemble a diverse
group willing to look at the MGS from multiple angles. We see