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• 	 What can we learn from the material sciences about the cooling  Participants: Raquel Alonso-Perez, Lew Ashwal, Jean Bédard,
                             and solidification of layered cumulates?                          Alan Boudreau, John Boyd, Kevin Butak, Jeff Chaumba, Mike
                                                                                               Cheadle, Gilbert Ching, June Cho, Konrad Chrzastowski, Tiffany
                             The participants also agreed on a number of collaborative         Cummings, Jim Dahy, James Day, Mat Dunlop, Sabastien Dyer,
                           initiatives, including a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.       Eric Ferré, Caroll Finn, Anais Fourny, Jeff Gee, Ennis Geragthy,
                           com/layeredmaficintrusions/photos?ref=page_internal); an            Allen Glazner, Alex Hammerstrom, Adriana Heimann Rios, Luke
                           International LMI working group, including several national         Hepworth, Paul Holick, Marian Holness, Victoria Honour, Jeff
                           correspondents; a forthcoming Wager Symposium in 2018; and          Hughs, Emma Hunt, Chris Jenkins, Kate Jillings, Felix Kaufmann,
                           a large-scale collaborative research proposal focusing on grad-     Mike Koski, Rais Latypov, Nivea Magalhaes, Rick Marquard,
                           uate research to be submitted to the National Science               Nichole Moerhuis, Ria Mukherjee, James Mungall, Brian
                           Foundation in 2017.                                                 O’Driscoll, Amy Parker, Heather Parks, Mike Pasecznyk, Steven
                                                                                               Prevec, Ed Ripley, Jake Setera, Greg Shellnutt, Josh Smith, LeeAnn
                             The abstracts of presentations are available at www.geosociety    Srogi, Ilya Veksler, Tom Ver Hoeve, Zoja Vukmanovic, Corey
                           .org/penrose/16montana.htm.                                         Wall, Laurene-Marie Wavrant, Sue Webb, Ben Wermette, Lauretta
                                                                                               Yantis, and Mike Zientek.


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