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The Latest Ediacaran Wormworld Fauna: Setting the
                           Ecological Stage for the Cambrian Explosion

GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2016  James D. Schiffbauer*, John Warren Huntley, Gretchen R.              coincided with a variety of global-scale biotic and abiotic changes
                           O’Neil**, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri,      (Fig. 1; Briggs et al., 1992; Erwin, 2007)—some of which were
                           Columbia, Missouri 65211, USA; Simon A.F. Darroch, Dept. of Earth    brought about by metazoan activities, while others elicited a
                           and Environmental Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,        response by metazoans.
                           Tennessee 37235, USA; Marc Laflamme, Dept. of Chemical and
                           Physical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga,                  Molecular divergence time estimates (e.g., Erwin et al., 2011;
                           Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6, Canada; Yaoping Cai, State Key         Peterson et al., 2008) suggest that the last common ancestor of all
                           Laboratory of Continental Dynamics and Dept. of Geology,             animals evolved in the Cryogenian (ca. 800 Ma; although see dos
                           Northwest University, Xi’an, 710069, China                           Reis et al., 2015, for caveats). The earliest interpreted stem-group
                                                                                                animals, however, are the ca. 600 Ma Doushantuo embryo-like
                           ABSTRACT                                                             microfossils (Chen et al., 2014a; Yin et al., 2016), leaving a
                                                                                                200-m.y. interlude between the fossil and molecular records.
                             As signposted by the fossil record, the early Cambrian period      This hiatus between the estimated origin of Metazoa and their
                           chronicles the appearance and evolutionary diversification of        first appearance in the fossil record highlights the growing real-
                           most animal phyla in a geologically rapid event, traditionally       ization that the earliest stages of animal diversification were
                           termed the Cambrian Explosion. The uniqueness of this event          neither truly Cambrian nor explosive—with the phylogenetic
                           pleads for a cause, and over the years, numerous biotic and abiotic  origin of animals temporally removed from their morphological
                           factors have been offered as possible triggers. Many such explana-   and ecological diversification by a long fuse (e.g., Conway Morris,
                           tions, however, either fail to correspond in time or do not provide  2000; Xiao, 2014). In this case, the significant lag between the
                           a functional mechanism to explain the evolutionary pattern of        establishment of the developmental toolkits necessary for the
                           animal diversification. We support the notion that a series of       origin of novelty and their later implementation and ecological
                           requisite biotic and abiotic events ushered in the Cambrian          success can perhaps be attributed to the uniqueness of newly
                           Explosion, wherein each event was necessary for the implementa-      developing animal ecosystems. Between the ignition of the fuse
                           tion of later events but did not guarantee their occurrence. The     and the subsequent evolutionary boom, three major eco-environ-
                           evolution of the terminal Ediacaran vermiform fauna was integral     mental feedbacks (see Erwin et al., 2011) arose that helped to pave
                           in the construction of the Eltonian pyramid, fostered an escala-     the way for the Cambrian Explosion: (1) linkages between the
                           tion of ecosystem engineering and macropredation, and repre-         pelagic and benthic ecosystems; (2) expansion of ecosystem engi-
                           sented a turning point in benthic ecosystems from those governed     neering; and (3) metazoan macropredation. These feedbacks are
                           primarily by competition for space and resources to those also       explored herein in the context of the terminal Ediacaran fossil
                           shaped by these novel pressures.                                     record of vermiform organisms. This “wormworld” biota—
                                                                                                comprised of various tubicolous body fossils (Figs. 2A–2C), such as
                           INTRODUCTION                                                         the cloudinids, and increasingly complex vermiform ichnofossils
                                                                                                (Figs. 2D–2F)—critically occupied a fundamental phase shift from
                             Relative to its mass, the biosphere disproportionately impacts     competition- to predation-governed marine benthic ecosystems.
                           other components of the Earth system. It oxygenates the oceans
                           and atmosphere, regulates global geochemical cycles, and influ-      BUILDING THE ELTONIAN PYRAMID
                           ences rates and patterns of global change. Life leaves distinctive
                           signals in the rock record, and few are more striking than those at  Competition and Nutrient Acquisition
                           the onset of the Phanerozoic—one of the most intensely studied
                           intervals in the geologic record. The Cambrian Explosion—as            The classic Ediacara biota were unheralded in life history,
                           famously revealed in the Burgess and Maotianshan shales—             emerging ca. 578 Ma with new and complex multicellular
                           represents the geologically abrupt (~25 million years [m.y.])        morphologies unlike anything seen before (Narbonne, 2005).
                           appearance and diversification of nearly all major metazoan          While some of these sessile and epibenthic curiosities have been
                           phyla. This proliferation of the roots of the animal phylogenetic    posited as stem-group animals (e.g., Budd and Jensen, 2015), for
                           tree and rapid expansion of morphological complexity was one of      the most part they lack convincing metazoan synapomorphies,
                           the more significant macroevolutionary events in life history and    leaving their positioning within the tree of life unresolved. These
                                                                                                fossils, however, do provide clues as to how Ediacaran ecosystems

                              GSA Today, v. 26, no. 11, doi: 10.1130/GSATG265A.1.
                              **Now at North Dakota State University, Dept. of Geosciences, Stevens Hall, 1340 Bolley Drive #201, Fargo, North Dakota 58102, USA.

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