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Figure 2. Representative wormworld body (A–C) and trace (D–F) fossils. (A–C) Tubular representatives from the Gaojiashan Lagerstätte, China; (D) surficial
                           traces with micropustular elephant skin-like textures, Blueflower Formation, Canada (courtesy of C. Carbone); (E) surficial traces, Ediacara Member, Rawnsley
                           Quartzite, South Australia (courtesy of L. Buatois); (F) complex undermat traces, Dengying Formation, China (courtesy of M. Meyer).

                           evolution in these sessile epibenthic ecosystems would have been different shifts in biotic interactions. Notably, the expansion of
                           driven by competition as reflected by niche partitioning and func- the pelagic realm to accommodate larger mesozooplankton

                           tional morphology in sessile communities (Bottjer and Ausich,           (Butterfield, 2009) would favor filter-feeding strategies over the
                           1986; Clapham and Narbonne, 2002).                                      passive diffusion of organics in osmotrophy. Furthermore, the

GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2016  Benthos Modification                                                    innovation of metazoans with one-way guts (i.e., bilaterians)
                                                                                                   would have packaged nutrients in the form of fecal pellets, thus
                             Set against this competitive landscape, the first motile members      efficiently transporting nutrients from the water column to the
                           of the second trophic tier (1° consumers) began to exploit wide-        substrate (Sperling et al., 2011) and benefiting detritivores at the
                           spread microbial mats, sedimentary organic carbon, and possibly         cost of those reliant on dissolved nutrients. Nonetheless, there
                           the decaying material of fallen Ediacarans (Budd and Jensen,            remains a delay between the emergence of surficial grazing behav-
                           2015). Metazoan trace fossils from the last ~25 m.y. of the             iors and significant sediment mixing from vertical bioturbation
                           Ediacaran period (ca. 565–541 Ma): (1) display behavioral evolu-        (Tarhan et al., 2015). With an ostensibly limitless food source of
                           tion of the second trophic tier (Carbone and Narbonne, 2014;            microbial substrates (which persist into the Cambrian; Buatois et
                           Chen et al., 2013; Meyer et al., 2014); (2) signify the development     al., 2014) and the lack of macroscopic predation, there may not
                           of sensory-muscular activity (Gehling et al., 2014; Jensen et al.,      have been sufficient ecological stressors to drive metazoans into
                           2005); (3) provide tangible evidence for both grazing and deposit       less hospitable or more physiologically challenging infaunal life
                           feeding (Carbone and Narbonne, 2014); and (4) confirm a                 modes. Nonetheless, the introduction of infaunalization and
                           burgeoning and sophisticated motile component to benthic                increasing intricacy of horizontal burrow networks at the
                           ecosystems, marking an important expansion of ecosystem engi-           Ediacaran-Cambrian transition (Hagadorn and Bottjer, 1999;
                           neering behaviors. Even with increasing species richness and            Jensen, 2003) signaled a keystone development in ecosystem engi-
                           ecosystem complexity through early Ediacaran assemblages (Shen          neering, and began to propagate a shift—albeit protracted
                           et al., 2008; Xiao and Laflamme, 2009), the diversity of nascent        (Tarhan et al., 2015)—in the physical and chemical properties of
                           bioturbating behaviors was restricted, possibly by benthic oxygen       the substrate.
                           levels (Fike et al., 2006; Sperling et al., 2015) or by sharp sediment
                           redox gradients maintained by the, at the time, still pervasive micro-  Ecological Antagonism

                           bial blanketing of the shallow seafloor (Hagadorn and Bottjer, 1999).     The first occurrence of metazoan predation appears in the
                           The complexity of traces in the ichnofossil record grew (Carbone        terminal Ediacaran (ca. 550–541 Ma), in concert with several
                           and Narbonne, 2014), however, perhaps foreshadowing the coming          other firsts, including metazoan biomineralization and the occu-
                           revolution in the abiotic and biotic structure of the benthos           pation of biohermal ecological niches (Cai et al., 2014; Penny et
                           (Bottjer et al., 2000). The redistribution of nutrients between the     al., 2014; Wood and Curtis, 2015). The earliest mineralizing taxa
                           water column and the substrate in the latest Ediacaran, a significant   appear in several contemporaneous units, such as the Nama
                           consequence of bioturbation, could have resulted from many              Group, Namibia (Grotzinger et al., 2000); the Ara Group, Oman

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