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GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2016        Bob Garrels conducting fieldwork in the late 1930s or early 1940s.  Sedimentary Rocks, which reinvigorated the concept of global
                                 Photo courtesy Cynthia Garrels.                                     cycling of the elements. Garrels came to imagine that the chem-
                                                                                                     istry of the oceans and atmosphere were in a dynamically steady
                           Robert M. Garrels                                                         state rather than in equilibrium, and this led to a series of papers
                                                                                                     that transformed these ideas into ordinary differential equations
                           Lee R. Kump, Dept. of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State                 (box models), as classically presented in the BLAG model (for
                           University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA,       Berner, Lasaga, and Garrels; Berner et al., 1983). His textbooks
                                                                                                     are classics, and his publications impactful, still to be mined for
                           An obvious way to begin this article would have been,                     treasured insights.
                                       “It’s hard to imagine a more influential geochemist
                                       than Robert Minard Garrels,” but one of many pieces             What made Bob Garrels so uniquely able to see order in the
                                       of advice Garrels (1916–1988) gave his students was,          chaos of nature and to present it in a way that was accessible even
                           “If you find yourself saying ‘it’s hard to imagine …’ imagine             to less chemically oriented geologists? Like so many of us, his early
                           harder!” Imagining hard is what characterized Garrels’ approach           experiences and great mentors along the way had tremendous
                           to the earth sciences.                                                    influence. His father was a chemical engineer who worked for a
                                                                                                     chemical company that used local salt and limestone in its
                             Garrels’ contributions to the fields of geology and geochemistry        processes. Garrels credits his father’s interest and the local salt
                           are immense, for which he received many honors. With Mary                 deposits and fossil-rich rocks as factors that set him on the path
                           Thompson, he pioneered the use of the ion-pairing model to                toward a career in earth science. A neighbor who excelled in
                           understand the behavior of the elements in seawater. With                 astronomy took the time to instill a sense of wonder about the
                           William Krumbein (1952) and later Charles Christ, he explained,           universe in young Garrels and his friends. Bob liked to play with
                           through many examples, how redox potential (Eh) and acidity               his mother’s lye (which she used for making soap) because it felt so
                           (pH) can be used to characterize natural environments and to              slippery, and he learned the hard lesson that bases can be as
                           predict the minerals that occur stably in them. With Fred                 caustic as acids when his fingernails fell off. At Michigan, where
                           Mackenzie he proposed that seawater chemistry was strongly                he obtained his undergraduate degree, Garrels was turned off to
                           affected by equilibria with newly formed silicate minerals (the           chemistry by a poor teacher and settled on geology.
                           concept of reverse weathering). The collaboration with Mackenzie
                           led to a series of papers and a 1971 textbook, Evolution of                 Upon graduation in 1937, Garrels found that continuing on for
                                                                                                     an advanced degree at Northwestern paid almost as well as avail-
                                                                                                     able jobs and took the offer of a teaching assistantship in the
                                                                                                     geology department. Having taken all the geology courses
                                                                                                     offered, he enrolled in chemistry courses, which “to [his] amaze-
                                                                                                     ment, [were] fascinating and useful” (quoted in Berner, 1992).
                                                                                                     From a geology professor, John T. Stark, he learned to question
                                                                                                     tacit assumptions and to adopt the position of devil’s advocate,
                                                                                                     an approach he is said to have used with great pleasure. He
                                                                                                     learned from a chemistry professor (F.T. Gucker Jr.) not to under-
                                                                                                     estimate students, but rather to challenge them with problems
                                                                                                     that seemed beyond their abilities, and to “make [them] under-
                                                                                                     stand that it was unthinkable for [the students] not to solve
                                                                                                     them.” To Garrels own students’ immediate dismay but enduring
                                                                                                     benefit, they experienced this teaching pedagogy many times in
                                                                                                     the geochemistry classroom.

                                                                                                       Garrels moved many times during his career (Sloss and Berner,
                                                                                                     1989). After receiving his Ph.D. in 1941, he remained at
                                                                                                     Northwestern until 1952, excepting a one-year stint in the mili-
                                                                                                     tary mapping beaches in the Pacific. He left Northwestern for the
                                                                                                     U.S. Geological Survey to work on the geochemistry of uranium,
                                                                                                     an element of great interest in the post-war atomic age and Cold
                                                                                                     War, but longed for a return to academic life and so in 1955
                                                                                                     accepted a position at Harvard. In 1965, fleeing the administrative
                                                                                                     duties of department chairman, he returned to Northwestern.
                                                                                                     Four years later, he moved to Scripps, then two years later to the
                                                                                                     University of Hawaii, then two years later back to Northwestern
                                                                                                     for five years, and finally to the University of South Florida.

                                                                                                       Garrels always welcomed new ideas, and because of this he
                                                                                                     struck up a deep friendship with James Lovelock, originator of the
                                                                                                     controversial “Gaia Hypothesis” that imagines Earth as a living
                                                                                                     organism, able to regulate important state variables such as
                                                                                                     temperature and ocean composition. Lovelock wanted to test his

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