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GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2016; Jesse Mosolf, Montana Tech,;    9. 	 Accretionary Tectonics of West-Central Idaho and
                                Bill Bonnichsen, Univ. of Idaho,                Relationships to the Greater Rocky Mountain Orogen:
                           T14. 	Geochronology of Igneous Processes: Vince Isakson, Boise         Fri.–Sun., 20–22 May. Leaders: Keegan Schmidt, Keith Gray,
                                State Univ.,; Mark Schmitz,       Reed Lewis.
                                Boise State Univ.,
                           T15. 	Geologic Evolution of Accretion-Related Orogenic Belts      10. 	 Pre-Belt Basement Tour: Late Archean–Early Proterozoic
                                and Associated Elements of the Central North American             Rocks of the Cougar Gulch Area, Southern Priest River
                                Cordillera: Keith Gray, Wichita State Univ., k.gray@wichita       Complex: Fri., 20 May. Leaders: Andy Buddington,
                                .edu; Keegan Schmidt, Lewis Clark State College, klschmidt@       Da Wang, P. Ted Doughty.
                           T16. 	Constraints on the Formation, Assembly, and Evolution of    11. 	 Precious and Base Metal Deposits of the Coeur d’Alene
                                Precambrian Rocks in the Rockies: Julie Baldwin, Univ.            Mining District: Fri.–Sat., 20–21 May. Leaders: Chris Dail,
                                of Montana,; Jeff Vervoort,            Sadae Lortz, John Etienne, Virginia Gillermany, Grant
                                Washington State Univ.,; Da Wang,                Brackebusch, Dan Hussey, Kathryn Dehn, Aaron Gross.
                                Washington State Univ.,
                           T17. 	Planetary Science: Insights from Remote Sensing, Field,       OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
                                and the Laboratory: Deepak Dhingra, Univ. of Idaho,
                                                                    For mentor program and career workshop descriptions
                           T18. 	Undergraduate Geologic and Multidisciplinary Research:        and On To the Future information, see p. 19.
                                Faculty Examples and Student Experiences in the Field: Chad
                                Pritchard, Eastern Washington Univ.,       Mentor Programs
                                                                                               Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience
                           FIELD TRIPS                                                         Luncheon: Wed., 18 May

                             For additional information, please see the meeting website        John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program
                           or contact field trip co-chairs Reed Lewis,, or    Luncheon: Thurs., 19 May
                           Keegan Schmidt,
                                                                                               Career Workshops
                           Pre-Meeting                                                         Geoscience Career Workshop Part 1: Career Planning and
                                                                                               Informational Interviewing: Wed., 18 May, 8–9 a.m.
                           1. 	 Pleistocene Megaflood Landscapes of the Channeled
                                Scabland: Sun.–Tues., 15–17 May. Leaders: Victor Baker,        Geoscience Career Workshop Part 2: Geoscience Career
                                Bruce Bjornstad, David Gaylord.                                Exploration: Wed., 18 May, 9–10 a.m.

                           2. 	 The Columbia River Basalt Group of Western Idaho and           Geoscience Career Workshop Part 3: Cover Letters,
                                Eastern Washington—Dikes, Vents, Flows, and Tectonics          Résumés and CVs: Thurs., 19 May, 9–10 a.m.
                                along the Eastern Margin of the Flood Basalt Province:
                                Mon.–Tues., 16–17 May. Leaders: Stephen Reidel, Victor         Travel Grants
                                Camp, Barton Martin, Terry Tolan, John Wolff.                  Deadline to apply: 11 Apr. 2016

                           3. 	 Miocene Fossils in the Clarkia Area: Classic Lagerstätten:        The GSA Foundation has funds available for student
                                Tues., 17 May. Leaders: Bill Rember; Bridget Wade.             travel grants. Apply at
                                                                                               2016mtg/; for more information, contact Kevin Mahan,
                           4.	 Geology of the Wallowa Terrane in the Northern Part of
                                Hells Canyon: Tues., 17 May. Leaders: Keegan Schmidt,
                                Tracy Vallier.                                               LOCAL COMMITTEE

                           5. 	 Metamorphic History of the Belt Supergroup and               Meeting Co-Chairs: Leslie Baker,, and Brian
                                Underlying Paleoproterozoic Basement Rocks in the            Yanites,
                                Western Part of the Clearwater Complex: Tues., 17 May.
                                Leaders: Julie Baldwin, Reed Lewis, Jeff Vervoort.           Technical Program Chairs: Tom Williams,,
                                                                                             and Peter Isaacson,
                                                                                             Field Trip Chairs: Reed Lewis,, and Keegan
                           6. 	 Miocene to Pleistocene Volcanism of the Yellowstone          Schmidt,
                                Hotspot: Western and Central Snake River Plain: Fri.–
                                Mon., 20–23 May. Leaders: Scott Boroughs, Bill Bonnichsen,   Student Volunteer Coordinator: Cary Lindsey, caryrlindsey@
                                Martha Godchaux, John Wolff.                       

                           7. 	 Geologic and Anthropogenic History of the Palouse Falls      Judging Coordinator: Judy Parrish,
                                Area: Floods, Fractures, Clastic Dikes, and the Receding
                                Falls: Fri., 20 May. Leaders: Chad Pritchard, Larry Cebula.  Industry Liaison: Ed Ratchford,

                           8. 	 Geology and Geologic History of the Moscow-Pullman
                                Basin, Idaho and Washington, from Late Grande Ronde
                                to Late Saddle Mountains Time: Fri., 20 May. Leaders: John
                                Bush, Dean L. Garwood, Pamela Dunlap.

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