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Call for Nominations


MGPV Early Career Award                                              ■	 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND
                                                                         TECTONIC DIVISION
Nominations due 15 July
Submit nominations to J. Alex Speer,            Career Contribution Award

  This award will go to an individual near the beginning of his/     Nominations due 1 March
her professional career who has made distinguished contributions     Submit nominations to Terry Pavlis,
in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy,
geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multi­          This award is for an individual who throughout his or her
disciplinary, field-based contributions. Nominations are restricted  career has made numerous distinguished contributions that have
to those who are within eight years past the award of their final    clearly advanced the science of structural geology or tectonics. For
degree. For more information, go to              more information, go to
divisions/mgpv/awards.htm.                                           CareerAward.htm.

■	 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY AND                                            Outstanding Publication Award
                                                                     Nominations due 1 March
Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research                                This award is given annually for a published work (paper, book,

Nominations due 1 April                                              or map) of exceptional distinction that clearly advances the
Submit nominations to Anne Chin,              science of structural geology or tectonics. For more information,
                                                                     go to
  This award recognizes excellence in desert geomorphology
research worldwide. It is intended to stimulate research in desert   ■	 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION AND
environments by recognizing an individual whose research has             STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONIC
significantly advanced the understanding of the Quaternary               DIVISION JOINT AWARD
geology and geomorphology of deserts. For more information,
go to                               Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award

Distinguished Career Award                                           Nominations due 1 April
                                                                     Submit nominations to James Evans at
Nominations due 1 April
Submit nominations to Sarah Lewis, Division Secretary, sarah           This joint award promotes research combining structural                                               geology and diagenesis and curriculum development in structural
                                                                     diagenesis. It highlights the growing need to break down disci-
  This award is presented annually to a Quaternary geologist or      plinary boundaries between structural geology and sedimentary
geomorphologist who has demonstrated excellence in their             petrology. Note that the application includes a budget page; we
contributions to science. For more information, go to http://rock    anticipate giving one award of US$2500 in 2016. For more infor-                                                mation, go to

■	 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION                                                                                                            GSA TODAY |

Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology

Nominations due 1 March
Submit nominations to Linda Kah,

  This award is given annually to a sedimentary geologist whose
lifetime achievements best exemplify those of Larry Sloss—i.e.,
achievements that contribute widely to the field of sedimentary
geology and service to GSA. For more information, go to http://

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