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600 4Advance rate (m/day)inflation                                       Summit tilt (microradians)  never interrupted), and the Pāhoa solid waste transfer station
                                                                                                                                        sustained only minor damage and returned to service in March
                                   500 3         deflation                                                                              2015. Indirect impacts, however, were substantial. Real estate
                                                                                                                                        values plummeted as the flow advanced toward Pāhoa, and
GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2016                                                                                 2                             many residents—perhaps 10%–15% of the area’s population—
                                                                                                                                        moved away from the region (Nakaso, 2015b). Since flow
                                   400 1                                                                                                activity near Pāhoa ceased in March 2015, however, the housing
                                                                                                                                        market has rebounded (Stewart, 2015).
                                   300 0
                                                                                                                                          As soon as the June 27th lava flow threat was realized,
                                   200 -1                                                                                               public debate began regarding lava flow diversion. Some
                                                                                                                                        residents supported intervention to protect homes and
                                                                                                          -2                            businesses, while others strongly opposed any interference,
                                                                                                                                        due to the long-term cost of diversion efforts once started,
                                   100 -3                                                                                               potential for litigation, cultural sensitivities, and the low
                                                                                                                                        probability of long-term success. Ultimately, diversion was not
                                      0 -4                                                                                              attempted in any official capacity.
                                           Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
                                                                                                                                        NEW INSIGHTS INTO LAVA FLOW EMPLACEMENT
                              Figure 5.Advance rate of June 27th lava flow (blue) versus tilt at Kīlauea’s
                              summit measured radial to the caldera (azimuth 327°; red). Positive tilt indi­                              The June 27th flow is significant for not only the havoc
                              cates inflation and negative, deflation.Tiltmeter location given in Figure 1.                             it has caused, but also its globally unprecedented style. The
                                                                                                                                        overall low effusion rate (1–2 m3/s), lack of limits on its extent
                             mayor, HCCD, and, occasionally, local and national elected                                                 (by the ocean, for example), interaction with existing ground
                             representatives were followed by individual interactions among                                             cracks, and 20 km length (longest at Kīlauea in at least the
                             members of the public, HVO staff, state and county agencies,                                               past 500 years; Clague et al., 1999) combine to make the June
                             and many other groups (the Red Cross, the Federal Emergency                                                27th flow the longest-lived low-effusion-rate pāhoehoe flow
                             Management Agency [FEMA], Hawai‘i Volcanoes National                                                       known on Earth. Data collected throughout its evolution
                             Park, etc.).                                                                                               has helped to elucidate lava flow processes, which may aid in
                                                                                                                                        future crises in Hawai‘i and elsewhere.
                                The meetings built trust among scientists, managers, and the
                             community and helped residents and businesses understand the                                                 Pressure fluctuations in the summit magma reservoir had a
                             products used to show the flow location and likely pathways.                                               significant impact on the behavior of flows that were ~40 km
                             Equally important, the meetings gave residents a perspective                                               downrift. Stalling of the flow front was generally preceded 	
                             on the nature of pāhoehoe flows and limitations in forecasting                                             by summit deflation, while rapid flow advance at the stalled
                             flow activity.The most important products were current lava                                                front or of upslope breakouts often followed summit inflation
                             flow maps that included potential flow paths (Fig. 4) based                                                (Fig. 5). Cyclic deflation-inflation (DI) events at the summit are
                             on topographic steepest-descent calculations (Kauahikaua et                                                a common occurrence at Kīlauea (Anderson et al., 2015) and
                             al., 2003; Kauahikaua, 2007). Online release of the maps was                                               clearly impact eruptive vigor from Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō, where the slightly
                             eagerly anticipated by the community, and HVO and HCCD                                                     attenuated tilt cycles are also recorded (Orr et al., 2015b).The
                             devoted significant resources to collecting lava flow data,                                                June 27th flow further demonstrated the importance of these
                             developing products for rapid public release, and updating the                                             relatively minor pressure fluctuations within the summit magma
                             products in response to user feedback.                                                                     reservoir on distal lava flow activity. Summit deformation may,
                                                                                                                                        in fact, provide a means of forecasting effusion rates (Patrick
                                Estimation of the lava’s likely time of arrival at a given area                                         et al., 2015a). Decreases in flow-front vigor were also impacted
                             was the most unreliable forecasting parameter because the                                                  by upslope leaks along the length of the lava tube system,
                             advance rate varied rapidly between 0 and 500 m/day (Fig. 5).                                              highlighting another control on flow advance.
                             The measured advance rates, however, provided a range of
                             potential arrival times that were used to develop contingency                                                The data that connect summit deformation to flow advance
                             plans. For example, the county expended significant effort to                                              may be useful for improving models of pāhoehoe flow hazards
                             ensure that alternate routes were operational in advance of the                                            by providing a means of anticipating changes in effusion and
                             potential inundation of Highway 130, which would have cut                                                  advance rates. Lava-emplacement models, coupled with high-
                             off several thousand residents from the rest of the island.This                                            resolution topography, do a good job of approximating flow
                             effort cost about US$15 million, but will mostly be reimbursed                                             pathways (e.g., Favalli et al., 2005; Harris and Rowland, 2015),
                             by FEMA (Nakaso, 2015a) thanks to a Disaster Declaration                                                   but forecasting advance rate remains problematic, especially for
                             signed by President Obama on 3 November 2014 (Moseley,                                                     pāhoehoe flows. No forecasts of the June 27th flow advance rate
                             2014).Attempts were also made to time the deployment of                                                    proved accurate, although they were still useful to emergency
                             National Guard units and other public safety personnel and to                                              managers for understanding the time frames of potential
                             harden power (Fig. 3C) and water supply systems. Infrastructure                                            impacts. Research into the physics of pāhoehoe flows—
                             protection before the arrival of the lava flow involved                                                    particularly the interaction among topography, effusion rate,
                             consultations by utility companies with HVO and University of                                              lava tube formation and collapse, and flow characteristics (e.g.,
                             Hawai‘i at Hilo researchers and is an example of collaborations                                            crystallinity, volatiles, temperature, and composition)—is needed
                             that formed during the crisis.                                                                             to address this limitation in current models.

                                Thus far, direct impacts from the June 27th lava flow have
                             been minimal, considering the potential destruction. Only
                             one house was lost, one utility pole destroyed (power was

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