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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    Geology & Geophysics, Petroleum Engineering,   Acceptable
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    and Geological Engineering. Closely associated          electronic formats are PDF and Word.
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   departments include Mining Engineering and Envi-, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  ronmental Engineering. Local area establishments           Missouri University of Science and Technology
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       with potential collaborative research opportunities     Human Resource Office Position Reference Number
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   include the U.S. Geological Survey (Mid-continent       #00065394(Geoscientist).
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                      Geospatial Mapping Center), Missouri Department
                                               Per line each    of Natural Resources, Fort Leonard Wood (U.S.              Missouri University of Science and Technology is
                                                                Army), the Missouri S&T Rock Mechanics and              an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
                            Per Line for       addt’l month     Explosives Research Center (RMERC), Materials
                                                                Research Center (MRC), and Energy Research and                DIRECTOR AND STATE GEOLOGIST
Classification              1st month          (same ad)        Development Center (ERDC). Visit our department                   DEPARTMENT OF KENTUCKY
                                                                web pages for more information on faculty and                          GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Positions Open              $9.20              $8.95            research ( Questions regarding                UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
Fellowship Opportunities    $9.20              $8.95            this position should be directed to the chair of the
Opportunities for Students  $0.00              $5.00            search committee, Dr. David Wronkiewicz (wronk@         The University of Kentucky is seeking experienced
                            $5.00              $5.00                                                 applicants for the senior level faculty position of
  First 25 lines                                                                                                        Director and State Geologist at the Kentucky Geolog-
  Additional lines                                                 A Ph.D. in Geology and/or Geophysics is required.    ical Survey. For more information or to contact the
                                                                The final candidate is required to provide an offi-     search committee about the position, go to kgs.uky
Positions Open                                                  cial transcript showing completion of the terminal      .edu/StateGeologist. The minimum requirements
                                                                degree listed in the application materials submitted.   for the position are a Ph.D. and 10 years of related
              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                               A copy of transcripts must be provided prior to the     experience in geology. Applicants should have
        STRATEGIC NATURAL MINERAL,                              start of employment. In addition, the final candidate   excellent communication skills, an active research
                                                                may be required to verify other credentials listed in   program, and management experience in an equiva-
               ECONOMIC GEOLOGY,                                application materials. Failure to provide the official  lent organization. A diverse background in govern-
            MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF                              transcript or other required verification may result    ment, industry, and academia is desirable.
          SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                                in the withdrawal of the job offer.
The Department of Geosciences and Geological and                                                                           This position is open until filled; the Search
Petroleum Engineering invites applications for a                   Applications must include a letter describing        Committee will begin reviewing applications in early
full-time tenure-track faculty position in economic             interests and possible contributions to our programs,   February 2016. Salary is commensurate with educa-
geology–strategic natural mineral resources, at the             curriculum vita, statements of teaching interests       tion, experience and qualifications.
Assistant Professor level, to begin August 2016. The            and research goals, up to five reprints of published
successful candidate will be expected to develop                work, and the names and contact information of             To apply for requisition #FE00397, a UK Employ-
an active externally-funded research program that               three referees. Review of applications will begin       ment Application must be submitted at www.uky
investigates processes related to ore genesis, mineral          on February 15, 2016 and continue until the search      .edu/ukjobs. Apply directly at
resources, ore deposit exploration, and demonstrate             is completed.                                           postings/88097. If you have any questions, contact
a commitment to interdisciplinary research. We                                                                          HR/Employment, phone +1-859-257-9555, press 2,
seek individuals who will integrate their research                 All application materials including resume/vita,     or email The University of
with excellence in teaching at both the graduate                cover letter, reference letters, portfolio, etc., must  Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is
and undergraduate levels. Teaching responsibili-                include the position reference number in order to be    committed to a policy of providing equal employ-
ties will include service courses as well as courses in         processed and must be submitted electronically to       ment opportunities to all candidates.
the individual’s area of expertise. The Department
currently has 20 full-time faculty, and 318 under-
graduate and 241 graduate degree-seeking students
with established B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. programs in

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