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As GSA looks to the future, a strong value has been placed on engaging a diversity of perspectives
and experiences that will help build a more dynamic and innovative geoscience community in our

    membership and beyond. GSA’s On To the Future (OTF) Program is the premier program
  supporting emerging geoscientists from diverse backgrounds to attend their first GSA Annual

                          Meeting. OTF accomplishments include the following:

       Supporting more than 350 students to attend their first GSA professional meeting, with more
         than 50% of students from first-generation families and 67% from minority backgrounds;

         Connecting students with key GSA leaders to learn about field camps, internships, research
                         awards, and opportunities to play a role in GSA leadership; and

      Matching students with mentors in their chosen fields for advice about effectively navigating the
          meeting, creating new networks, and learning about future education and career options.

  Through your donation to OTF, you will help build a diverse and robust geoscience community of
leaders. With your contribution, GSA hopes to continue to provide a rich and lasting experience for

                              students like graduate student Anibal Hernandez:
    “Thank you to all the people that let us participate in this great conference. I learned a lot about
topics I’ve never heard or read before. This conference changed my mind and I’ve seen a lot of possi-

                              bilities that I can do for research in a near future.”
  GSA hopes that you will consider supporting the OTF program and help provide an enriching and
 transformative experience that will propel and further engage diverse students in the geosciences.

                                                              ological Society of Am
                      The Geerica®

THANK YOU TO THE 2015 ON TO THE FUTURE MENTOR VOLUNTEERS                                              GSA TODAY |

    Pranoti Asher          Miquela Ingalls                                                                                                      Justin Samuel
Christopher Atchison      Alexandra Isern                                                                                                     Allison Severson
                          Claudia Johnson
      Greg Baker           Patricia Kelley                                                                                                       Ginny Sisson
     Rodey Batiza        Nazrul Khandaker                                                                                                      Trisha Smrecak
    David Borrok          Jonathan Knapp                                                                                                       Chynna Spangle
   Davida Buehler        Will Levandowski                                                                                                      John Steinmetz
     Matt Carter           Xiao-Ming Liu                                                                                                        Robert Sterrett
    Darrel Cowan          Emma Locatelli                                                                                                     Alexander Stewart
    Matt Dawson           Nicole Lunning                                                                                                     Douglas Thompson
     Carol de Wet         Nancy McMillan                                                                                                         Kelsi Ustipak
                                                                                                                                               David Voorhees
       Paul Doss            Joseph Meert                                                                                                       Matthew Vrazo
    Lucy Edwards            Chris Murray                                                                                                     John Wakabayashi
   Margaret Eggers          Judy Parrish
  Robert Finkelman    Charity Phillips-Lander                                                                                                     Wes Ward
     Ben Frieman        Kathleen Ritterbush                                                                                                       Emily Wild
Jane Hammarstrom            Sarah Roeske                                                                                                     Margaret Yacobucci
   Mary Hubbard                                                                                                                              Susan Zimmerman

For program information or to mentor in the future, contact Tahlia Bear,

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