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GSA TODAY | MAY 2016  T9. Rare Earth and Critical Elements in Ore Deposits                     New research on fluid flow in fractured media will advance
                      Cosponsor: Society of Economic Geologists                              understanding of coupled geomechanics, hydrology, and reactive
                      Disciplines: Economic Geology, Geochemistry                            transport that allow utilization of the subsurface in a safe and
                      Advocates: E.E. Marsh; Philip L. Verplanck                             effective manner.

                        This session will focus on our current understanding of              T14. Geologic Energy Research
                      where, how, and why individual critical elements occur. This           Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Sedimentary
                      session should be of use to a variety of geoscientists as well as      Geology Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                      public policy analysts.                                                Volcanology Division
                                                                                             Disciplines: Energy Geology, Stratigraphy, Mineralogy/
                       ENERGY GEOLOGY                                                        Crystallography
                                                                                             Advocates: J. Fred McLaughlin; Marc L. Buursink; Brett J. Valentine
                      T10. Advances in Reactive Transport Modeling of Deep Saline
                      Groundwater and Hydrocarbon Systems                                      This is the general session of GSA’s Energy Division. Topics
                      Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Hydrogeology              include research on coal, petroleum geology, geothermal systems,
                      Division                                                               uranium and REEs, sedimentary and structural geology of energy
                      Disciplines: Energy Geology, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry                resources, and energy utilization.
                      Advocates: Tina L. Roberts-Ashby; Madalyn S. Blondes
                                                                                             T15. Geology and Geochemistry of Carbon Dioxide, Helium,
                        This session includes reactive transport and deep reservoir          and Other Low-BTU Natural Gas Systems
                      modeling in saline or brackish waters, for the evaluation of           Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Sedimentary
                      CO2-storage or enhanced oil recovery operations; injection of          Geology Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                      hydraulic fracturing, produced, or waste-disposal fluids; and/or       Volcanology Division
                      water resource investigations.                                         Disciplines: Energy Geology, Geochemistry, Stratigraphy
                                                                                             Advocates: Matthew D. Merrill; Marc L. Buursink
                      T11. Environmental Geology Studies of Energy Impacts
                      Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Environmental               Low-BTU natural gases rich in CO2 or helium are important
                      and Engineering Geology Division                                       economic commodities, and their accumulation can be analogs to
                      Disciplines: Energy Geology, Environmental Geoscience,                 storage of anthropogenic CO2. We seek studies on the systematics
                      Geochemistry                                                           of these non-hydrocarbon gases.
                      Advocates: Marc L. Buursink; J. Fred McLaughlin; Brett J. Valentine
                                                                                             T16. Mudstone Evolution: From Deposition through Diagenesis
                        This session will explore research relating to environmental issues  Cosponsors: GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Sedimentary
                      associated with energy geology, including exploration practices,       Geology Division
                      extraction of resources, and waste disposal.                           Disciplines: Energy Geology, Limnogeology, Sediments, Clastic
                                                                                             Advocates: Sven Egenhoff; Neil Fishman
                      T12. Evaporite Deposits and Efflorescent Crusts: How Do They
                      Influence Radionuclide, Heavy Metal, and Other Constituent               Deposition and post-depositional modification of mudstones
                      Transport in the Environment?                                          remain enigmatic. Nevertheless, their economic significance is
                      Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Geology and               universal as a source of energy or as household or industry raw
                      Health Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and          material. This session will review all aspects of mudstone geology.
                      Volcanology Division
                      Disciplines: Energy Geology, Geology and Health, Geochemistry          T17. Research and Development on the Technical Bases for
                      Advocates: Anthony J. Ranalli; Douglas B. Yager; Raymond               Radioactive Waste Disposal in Mined Geologic Repositories:
                      H. Johnson                                                             Geoscience Data and Models
                                                                                             Cosponsor: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                        Evaporite deposits and efflorescent crusts and their role as         Volcanology Division
                      sources of uranium ore and as sources of various contaminants to       Disciplines: Energy Geology, Environmental Geoscience,
                      groundwater and surface water at various types of mines and            Hydrogeology
                      milling sites will be addressed.                                       Advocates: David C. Sassani; Florie A. Caporuscio

                      T13. Fracture, Faulting, and Reactive Fluid Flow in Tight                Within the U.S. DOE Used Fuel Disposition Program, activities
                      Rocks: Coupled Processes in Shale, CO2 Sequestration, and              focus on generic geologic mined repositories for safe disposal of
                      Geothermal Energy                                                      radioactive wastes. Geoscience data are essential technical bases of
                      Disciplines: Energy Geology, Structural Geology, Hydrogeology          safe disposal here and around the globe.
                      Advocates: J. William Carey; Jason Heath


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