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  Topical Sessions

 ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOLOGY                                             T5. Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: Metal Transport              GSA TODAY |
                                                                    from Source to Sink
T1. Pluvials, Atmospheric Rivers, Monsoons, and Water
Availability in Western North America from the Quaternary           Cosponsors: Society of Economic Geologists; GSA Mineralogy,
into the Future: Modeling, Observations, and Paleo                  Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division
Reconstructions of Hydroclimate Extremes
Cosponsors: GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Sedimentary              Disciplines: Economic Geology, Geochemistry, Petrology, Igneous
Geology Division; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology);
GSA Archaeological Geology Division                                 Advocates: Thomas Monecke; Karen Kelly
Disciplines: Archaeological Geology, Paleoclimatology/
Paleoceanography, Limnogeology                                        This session examines how metals are transported and depos-
Advocates: Ingrid Hendy; Aradhna Tripati; Matthew E. Kirby          ited in hydrothermal systems powered by large magmatic intru-
                                                                    sions emplaced in the upper crust and reviews the geological
  Water availability in western North America has been critical     characteristics of magmatic-hydrothermal base and precious
for human populations through prehistory and will be into the       metal deposits.
future. This session showcases instrumental observations,
modeling, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions of hydrocli-       T6. Micro-Analytical Techniques in Ore Deposit Research
mate regimes.
                                                                    Cosponsors: Society of Economic Geologists; Microanalysis
T2. Reconstructing Environmental Controls on Societal Change        Society (MAS); GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
from Prehistory to Present Day                                      Volcanology Division
Cosponsors: GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Archaeological
Geology Division; American Quaternary Association; GSA              Disciplines: Economic Geology, Mineralogy/Crystallography,
Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division      Geochemistry
Disciplines: Archaeological Geology, Paleoclimatology/
Paleoceanography, Quaternary Geology                                Advocates: Katharina Pfaff; Julien M Allaz
Advocates: Susann Stolze; Michelle F. Goman
                                                                      This session highlights advances in methods development of
  This session welcomes papers reconstructing the nature and        micro-analytical techniques and their application to ore deposit
degree of environmental change and its influence on societal        research.
change through the Holocene. It will bring together researchers
across disciplines in the Earth and archaeological sciences.        T7. Mineral Resources for Society: Honoring the Career and
                                                                    Contributions to Economic Geology of Jean S. Cline
                                                                    Cosponsors: Society of Economic Geologists; GSA Mineralogy,
T3. Economic Geology of the Extensional Terrains                    Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division
Cosponsors: Society of Economic Geologists; GSA Mineralogy,
Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division                   Disciplines: Economic Geology, Geochemistry, Petrology, Igneous
Disciplines: Economic Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,
Structural Geology                                                  Advocates: R.J. Bodnar; John L. Muntean
Advocates: Alvis L. Lisenbee; Zeynep O. Baran
                                                                      This session honors the many contributions of Jean S. Cline in
  This session is focused on the extensional tectonics and associ-  mineral deposits research. Abstracts related to all mineral deposit
ated structures and their significance to the formation, distribu-  types are welcome, especially those related to Carlin and porphyry
tion, exploration, and production of economic mineral deposits      type systems.
on Earth.
                                                                    T8. Practical Applications of Fundamental and Innovative
T4. Geology and Mineral Potential at High Latitudes                 Technology Utilized in the Geoscience Industry and
Cosponsor: Society of Economic Geologists                           Secondary Education
Disciplines: Economic Geology, Geophysics/Geodynamics,
Geochemistry                                                        Cosponsor: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division
Advocates: Garth Graham; Raymond F. Kokaly
                                                                    Disciplines: Economic Geology, Structural Geology,
This session examines novel methods applied to geologic mapping     Geoscience Education
and mineral exploration in arctic regions.
                                                                    Advocate: Maureen Moore Roth

                                                                      LiDAR scanning and three-dimensional technology is used
                                                                    to resolve practical challenges in the geoscience industry.
                                                                    Showcase such applications that are used to improve produc-
                                                                    tivity, safety, geologic understanding, and potentially
                                                                    economics of an ore deposit.


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