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GSA TODAY | MAY 2016                                         GSA2016 ANNUAL MEETING & EXPOSITION

                                   Welcome back to Denver

                                                                       for the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America on
                                                                       25–28 September. The Technical Program Committee, Division representatives,
                                                                       and GSA staff are hard at work putting together the program for the meeting.
                                                                       We believe the 2016 program will live up to the Society’s vision of “supporting the
                                                                       global community in scientific discovery, communication, and application of
                                                                       geoscience knowledge.”

                                                                          With well over 200 topical sessions proposed, ranging from archaeological
                                                                       geology to volcanology, GSA continues to demonstrate its relevance in the geosci-
                                                                       ence community. We encourage you to submit an abstract to one of these diverse
                                                                       and outstanding sessions.
                                             Over the next few months, we will provide you with updates on the meeting, including information on
                                           registration, travel, lodging, and programming. Keep in mind that the meeting is more than a month
                                           earlier than last year, so deadlines are earlier as well. The Connected Community (community.geosociety
                                           .org) is a great way to stay current with meeting information and Division business.
                                             This year, make the best of the meeting. Come early and stay late. Sign up for one or more of the
                                           excellent short courses or field trips, which will run before, during, and after the meeting. We look forward
                                           to seeing you in Denver this September!

                                                                                                                  —Paul Baldauf, 2016 Technical Program Chair

                                                                      ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

                                                                  Karen Berry, Colorado Geological Survey, General Chair,
                                                                  Paul Baldauf, Nova Southeastern University, Technical Program Chair,
                                                                  Dick Berg, Illinois State Geological Survey, Technical Program Vice-Chair,
                                                                  Steve Keller, Colorado Geological Survey, Co-Field Trip Chair,
                                                                  Matt Morgan, Colorado Geological Survey, Co-Field Trip Chair,
                                                                  Rick Aster, Colorado State University, Education & Outreach Chair,
                                                                  Samantha Richards, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, K–12 Chair,


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