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GSA TODAY | MAY 2016  T170. Sedimentary Records in the Solar System                           We encourage abstract submissions related to geomorphic,
                      Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Sedimentary           geophysical, and topographic studies of Ceres, including analyses
                      Geology Division                                                      of Dawn data, telescopic observations, and/or numerical models.
                      Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Sediments, Clastic, Stratigraphy
                      Advocates: R. Aileen Yingst; Melissa S. Rice; Sanjeev Gupta            QUATERNARY GEOLOGY

                        This session explores analysis of sedimentary records to deci-      T175. Aeolian Processes in Time and Space: Evidence from
                      pher surface processes and geological evolution to better under-      Landforms and Sediments
                      stand how reading the sediment record can inform on particulate
                      and fluid flow on planetary surfaces.                                 Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;
                                                                                            International Society for Aeolian Research; GSA Sedimentary Geology
                      T171. Small-Scale Records of Impact                                   Division; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
                      Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Mineralogy,
                      Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division                     Disciplines: Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, Sediments,
                      Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Petrology, Igneous, Petrology,        Clastic
                      Advocate: Aaron J. Cavosie                                            Advocates: Alan F. Halfen; Nicholas Lancaster; William C.
                                                                                            Johnson; Tammy M. Rittenour; Ryan Ewing
                        Microstructural and geochemical investigations of impact
                      records at microscopic and smaller scales are providing unprec-         This session will explore research focused on all aspects of
                      edented insights on impact histories. This session welcomes           aeolian processes and landforms including, but not limited to,
                      contributions describing new approaches to unraveling small-          geochronological studies and other empirical, theoretical, and
                      scale records of impact processes.                                    applied perspectives.

                      T172. Tectonic, Volcanic, and Volcanotectonic Processes on            T176. Hydrologic Response to Abrupt Climate Change in the
                      Rocky Planetary Bodies                                                Southwestern U.S.
                      Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Mineralogy,
                      Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division                     Cosponsor: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division
                      Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,
                      Volcanology                                                           Disciplines: Quaternary Geology, Paleoclimatology/
                      Advocates: Paul K. Byrne; Christian Klimczak                          Paleoceanography

                        This session solicits abstracts on tectonic, volcanic, or volcano-  Advocates: Jeffrey S. Pigati; Kathleen B. Springer
                      tectonic landforms or processes on Solar System rocky bodies, and
                      encompasses surface geology, interior and thermal evolution, and        This session focuses on the response of various hydrologic
                      comparative planetary studies with observational, experimental,       systems, including lakes, rivers, wetlands, and caves, to episodes
                      or theoretical approaches.                                            of abrupt climate change during the late Quaternary.

                      T173. The Evolution of Mars from Mantle through Crust: New            T177. Insights and Challenges for Geomorphic, Geologic, and
                      Views from Petrology and Geochemistry                                 Paleoseismic Investigations in the Rocky Mountain–Central
                      Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Mineralogy,           U.S. Transition Region (New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming,
                      Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division                     and Montana)
                      Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Petrology, Igneous, Geochemistry
                      Advocates: Arya Udry; Juliane Gross                                   Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
                                                                                            Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA
                        This session solicits abstracts addressing magmatic processes       Environmental and Engineering Geology Division; Association of
                      involving the evolution of the martian mantle and crust through       Environmental and Engineering Geologists; Association of
                      petrological and geochemical analyses of martian meteorites,          Environmental and Engineering Geologists–Rocky Mountain
                      laboratory experiments, and spacecraft data.                          Section; Colorado Geological Survey; Colorado Scientific Society

                      T174. The Geology of Dwarf Planet Ceres                               Disciplines: Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, Tectonics/
                      Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division                             Tectonophysics
                      Discipline: Planetary Geology
                      Advocates: Debra L. Buczkowski; Jennifer E.C. Scully; Thomas B.       Advocates: Mark S. Zellman; Dean Ostenaa; Richard W. Briggs;
                      McCord; David A. Williams                                             Will Levandowski

                                                                                              We look for submissions to highlight new findings and
                                                                                            approaches related to the Quaternary tectonics and geomor-
                                                                                            phology in the Rocky Mountain–CEUS transition region of inher-
                                                                                            ited structure, neo-tectonic transition, low fault-slip rates, and
                                                                                            geomorphic diversity.


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