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                      T138. Fossil Specimens 0’s and 1’s: Databases, Standards &         including areas of deep-time climate change and evolution.
                      Mobilization                                                       Emphasis on broader impacts will also be made.

                      Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; iDigBio; STEPPE; University   T142. Past and Present Global Biotic Crises: From Microbes
                      of Colorado Museum of Natural History; Smithsonian National        to Megafauna
                      Museum of Natural History; Paleontological Research Institution
                      Department of Paleobiology                                         Cosponsor: Paleontological Society

                      Disciplines: Paleontology, Biogeography/Biostratigraphy,           Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                      Geoinformatics, Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography                  Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy, Geochemistry

                      Advocates: Talia S. Karim; Holly Little; Amanda Millhouse;         Advocates: Elsbeth E. van Soelen; Richard J. Twitchett; Wolfram
                      Gil Nelson; Shelley James                                          Michael Kürschner

                        This session will focus on innovations and best practices          This session will explore biodiversity changes associated with
                      related to paleontology/geology digitization and data transcrip-   major extinction events, including the present one. We welcome
                      tion efforts. Talks on databases, data management, standards,      contributions addressing ecological changes in marine and terres-
                      schemas, and mobilization of research-quality data through         trial ecosystems, including studies of macro- and micropaleon-
                      online aggregators are welcome.                                    tology, palynology, and organic geochemistry.

GSA TODAY | MAY 2016  T139. High-Precision Geochronological Constraints on the           T143. The Early Paleozoic World: Radiations, Extinctions, and
                      Geologic History of Dinosaur Evolution                             Paleoenvironmental Change

                      Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; SEPM (Society for             Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; Paleontological Research
                      Sedimentary Geology); GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology,     Institution
                      and Volcanology Division; Paleontological Research Institution
                                                                                         Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                      Disciplines: Paleontology, Biogeography/Biostratigraphy,           Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography, Geochemistry
                      Stratigraphy, Geochemistry
                                                                                         Advocates: Matt Saltzman; Stephen Leslie; Erik A. Sperling
                      Advocates: Jahandar Ramezani; David E. Fastovsky
                                                                                           This session will examine the Early Paleozoic world: Radiations,
                        This will be an interdisciplinary session highlighting recent    extinctions, and paleoenvironmental change.
                      advances in high-resolution geochronology (radioisotopes,
                      cyclostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy) applied to the             T144. The Permian-Triassic Crisis and Its Aftermath: Biotic,
                      Mesozoic origin, radiation, and extinction of Dinosauria, the      Climatic, and Environmental Upheavals
                      temporal calibration of its fragmented fossil record, and their
                      evolutionary implications.                                         Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; Paleontological Research
                      T140. Evolution, Development, and Paleogenomics
                                                                                         Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                      Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; Paleontological Research      Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography, Geochemistry
                                                                                         Advocates: Hugo Bucher; Thomas J. Algeo; Peter Roopnarine
                      Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                      Paleontology, Phylogenetic/Morphological Patterns                    This multidisciplinary session aims at a better understanding of
                                                                                         the nature of environmental perturbations and of the evolutionary
                      Advocates: David J. Bottjer; Jeffrey R. Thompson                   responses of repeatedly and profoundly disturbed ecosystems
                                                                                         during the Permian-Triassic transition.
                        This session will address recent advances in the integration of
                      developmental, genomic, and paleontological approaches to          T145. Volcanism, Mass Extinctions, and Environmental Change
                      address evolutionary questions. Topics will include interdisci-
                      plinary projects combining paleontology with molecular biology,    Cosponsors: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                      development, and genomics.                                         Volcanology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; SEPM
                                                                                         (Society for Sedimentary Geology); Paleontological Society;
                      T141. How to Talk Science: Effective Communication Strategies      Paleontological Research Institution
                      for the Sedimentary Crust
                                                                                         Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                      Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; SEPM (Society for             Stratigraphy, Volcanology
                      Sedimentary Geology); STEPPE; GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA
                      Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division     Advocates: Thierry Adatte; Stephen E. Grasby; Gerta Keller; Blair
                      Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,
                      Sediments, Clastic, Limnogeology                                     Important new data and observations increasingly link four of
                                                                                         the five major mass extinctions directly to LIPs, as well as PETM
                      Advocates: Lisa E. Park Boush; Phoebe Cohen; Danielle Serratos     and OAEs, particularly based on the fields of paleontology, stra-
                                                                                         tigraphy, geochronology, geochemistry, climate, sedimentology,
                        This session focuses on best practices and applications for      mineralogy, and volcanology.
                      communicating science related to Earth’s sedimentary crust,


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