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Advocates: Joanne Bourgeois; Kathleen Lohff; Renee M. Clary          T102. Cycling of Arsenic and Other Associated Trace Elements         GSA TODAY |
  This session encourages contributions from the full range of       in Global Geohydrological Systems and Management

topics concerning the history of women in the geosciences, with      Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society
examples of the use of this history in classrooms, exhibitions, and  Division; GSA Geology and Health Division; International Society of
social media.                                                        Groundwater for Sustainable Development (ISGSD)

 HYDROGEOLOGY                                                        Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geology and Health, Environmental
T98. 3D Printing in Groundwater Research
Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division                                 Advocates: Prosun Bhattacharya; Abhijit Mukherjee; Karen
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Karst, Sediments, Carbonates              Johannesson; Saugata Datta; Mohammad Alauddin
Advocates: Franciszek Hasiuk; Michael C. Sukop; Lee J. Florea
                                                                       Drinking waters worldwide are contaminated with arsenic and
  Case studies of how 3D printing was employed to produce lab-       other associated trace elements of geogenic origin and contami-
testable models that were used to test hypotheses about the flow,    nate soils and crops; thus, a comprehensive approach for risk
mechanical, or electrical properties of reservoir rocks.             assessment is necessary for sustainable mitigation and
T99. A Showcase of Undergraduate Research in Hydrogeology
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geoscience Education                      T103. Emerging Contaminants in Water Supplies
Advocates: Kallina M. Dunkle; Christopher S. Lowry;
Susan Swanson                                                        Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Mineralogy,
                                                                     Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Geology
  This session is designed for undergraduates presenting research    and Society Division
and senior theses in the field of hydrogeology. Prizes will be
awarded for top presentations. Session concludes with informa-       Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience,
tion for undergraduates interested in hydrogeology research.         Geochemistry

T100. Approaches to Characterizing Groundwater Flow Systems          Advocate: Madeline E. Schreiber
at the Watershed-Scale for Water Management and Regulation
Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; International Association       Emerging contaminants include compounds that have not been
of Hydrogeologists, Regional Groundwater Flow Commission; GSA        historically considered contaminants. In this session, we welcome
Geology and Society Division                                         abstracts that address analytical issues, fate, and transport
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience                  behavior, as well as the human and environmental impacts of
Advocates: Brian Smerdon; W. Payton Gardner                          emerging contaminants.

  This session will explore characterization techniques and          T104. From Pores to Mountains, and Minutes to Millennia:
modeling methods to better understand groundwater systems in         Session Dedicated to the Contributions of Rob Bowman,
the context of the watershed-scale hydrologic cycle, with an         Fred Phillips, and John Wilson
emphasis on integrating surface water, shallow groundwater, and
deep basin-scale groundwater.                                        Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience,
T101. Can’t Take the Heat? Temperature as an Indicator and
Tracer of Environmental Change                                       Advocates: Jesus Gomez-Velez; M. Bayani Cardenas; Marty
Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division                                 D. Frisbee
Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience
Advocates: Jeffrey M. McKenzie; Barret L. Kurylyk; Laura K.            This session is a celebration of the careers of three eminent New
Lautz; Dylan J. Irvine                                               Mexico hydrogeologists: Fred Phillips, John Wilson, and the late
                                                                     Rob Bowman.
  This session examines the use of temperature in environ-
mental geoscience research, including thermal investigations of      T105. Groundwater Temperature and Impacts of Anthropogenic
hydrological processes, cold regions, ecological studies, and        Forcing—Monitoring and Modeling
climate-change impacts. Both fieldwork and modeling studies
will be presented.                                                   Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental and
                                                                     Engineering Geology Division

                                                                     Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience,

                                                                     Advocates: Rodney A. Sheets; Jack R. Eggleston

                                                                       Activities such as land-use modification and use of geothermal
                                                                     energy can affect long-term air temperature and groundwater
                                                                     temperatures. This session will focus on measurements or
                                                                     modeling of groundwater temperatures to assess the impacts of
                                                                     anthropogenic forcing.


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