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GSA TODAY | MAY 2016  T74. Climate Literacy in Formal and Informal Education, for          Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Environmental Geoscience,
                      Policy Makers and the Public, and Measures of Impact                 Geoscience Information/Communication

                      Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; CLEAN                 Advocate: Nazrul I. Khandaker
                      Network; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geology
                      and Society Division; GSA Limnogeology Division                        K9–12 and undergraduate students involved in hands-on
                                                                                           general geology, field-based environmental related research and
                      Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/           improving content knowledge by incorporating experiential
                      Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy                          learning techniques are encouraged to submit their work. This
                                                                                           session is aimed at furthering geoscience education and ensuring
                      Advocates: Tamara Shapiro Ledley; Anne U. Gold; Suzanne              recruitment and retention.
                      O’Connell; Mark A. Chandler; Katya Hafich
                                                                                           T79. Graduate Student Preparation for STEM Workforce
                        The session will focus on activities (formal and informal educa-
                      tion, engagement with decision makers, networks, and the public)     Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Geoscience
                      and research (education, social, and cognitive) that can extend the  Education Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering
                      reach and effectiveness of climate literacy efforts.                 Geology Division; International Association for Geoscience
                                                                                           Diversity; GSA Student Advisory Council; National Earth Science
                      T75. Developing Geoscience K–12 Education-Focused Outreach           Teachers Association
                      Programs: Civic Engagement and Science Communication
                      Training                                                             Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Public Policy, Geoscience
                      Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Geology
                      and Society Division                                                 Advocates: Marilyn J. Suiter; Lina Patino

                      Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/             How do we measure outcomes of investment in graduate
                      Communication                                                        research and education regarding STEM workforce? What is suit-
                                                                                           able preparation for workers’ specific skills? This session is a
                      Advocate: Peter Anderson                                             forum for the exploration of STEM education and workforce.

                        Evaluating the effectiveness and overall merits of K–12 educa-     T80. Implementing Discovery-Based Research Experiences in
                      tional outreach in earth science, with a focus on science-commu-     Undergraduate Geoscience Courses and Curricula
                      nication skill development.
                                                                                           Cosponsors: Council on Undergraduate Research Geosciences
                      T76. Digital Poster Session: Training Preservice Teachers to Apply   Division; GSA Geoscience Education Division
                      Digital Technology across the Geoscience Curriculum (Posters)
                                                                                           Discipline: Geoscience Education
                      Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoinformatics, Geoscience
                      Information/Communication                                            Advocates: Laura A. Guertin; Jeffrey G. Ryan; Preston Lee
                                                                                           Phillips; Patricia Manley; Jay Labov; Kerry Brenner
                      Advocates: Declan G. De Paor; Steven J. Whitmeyer; Callan Bentley
                                                                                             This session builds on a 2015 convocation report from the
                        To attract students into geoscience, we need to spark interest at  National Research Council to address models, evidence,
                      school. This digital poster session will focus on ways of training   approaches, and challenges with students and university lead-
                      pre-service teachers to make effective use of digital technology in  ership for promoting discovery-based research experiences in
                      geoscience education.                                                the geosciences

                      T77. Disseminating Best Practices and Resources Developed in         T81. Increasing Engagement and Improving Learning Outcomes
                      Education Projects Funded by the National Science Foundation         for Geology Students: Using Cognitive Science to Inform
                      or by Other Federal/State Agencies (Posters)                         Geoscience Teaching and Learning

                      Discipline: Geoscience Education                                     Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
                      Advocates: Jill Singer; Jeffrey G. Ryan
                                                                                           Advocates: Shondricka Burrell; Allison J. Jaeger
                        This session seeks to share best practices, lessons learned, and
                      resources developed from geoscience education projects funded by       Research findings in cognitive science can inform the develop-
                      NSF or other agencies. Projects supported by NSF’s Improving         ment of effective teaching and learning strategies in the geosciences
                      Undergraduate STEM Education program (IUSE) are encouraged.          in three key areas fundamental to the discipline: evidence-based
                                                                                           reasoning, conceptual change, and spatial visualization.
                      T78. Encouraging K9–16 Partnerships in the Geosciences to
                      Maximize Recruitment and Retention Efforts (Posters)

                      Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA
                      Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Environmental and
                      Engineering Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and
                      Geomorphology Division; GSA Science and Society Division


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