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Advocates: Jay Pulliam; Harold Gurrola; Kevin L. Mickus;              Hydrogeology Division; Geochemical Society; GSA Mineralogy,          GSA TODAY |
Gregory Dumond; Melanie A. Barnes; G.R. Keller                        Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division

  We welcome contributions that shed light on, or formulate           Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Environmental
important questions regarding, the structure and tectonics of the     Geoscience, Geology and Health
south-central United States, including results from new data,
syntheses of previous studies, and proposals for new studies and      Advocates: Katie Walton-Day; Robert L. Runkel; Brent Lewis
data acquisition.
                                                                        This session merges scientific assessment with policy implica-
T67. Under Cover: Exploration for Concealed Mineral Deposits,         tions of historical hard-rock mining, with emphasis on the 2015
Mapping Concealed Terranes, and Relating Crustal                      Gold King Mine event. Abstracts related to the Animas River
Architecture to Concealed Mineralizing Systems                        Basin and other abandoned mine lands are encouraged.

Cosponsors: GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Structural Geology            GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION
and Tectonics Division; Society of Economic Geologists
                                                                      T71. A Centennial Celebration of Geology and Hydrology in the
Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics, Tectonics/                       National Parks: Research, Mapping, and Resource Management
Tectonophysics, Economic Geology
                                                                      Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and
Advocates: Mark Bultman; Mark E. Gettings                             Society Division

  Geophysical or integrated geoscientific techniques and inter-       Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Hydrogeology, Geoscience
pretations aimed at identifying concealed lithologic terranes,        Information/Communication
locating covered mineral deposits, creating geophysical models of
ore deposits, and delineating crustal architectures and their rela-   Advocates: Bruce Heise; F. Edwin Harvey; Jason P. Kenworthy
tionships to deep mineralizing systems.
                                                                        This session addresses the roles of geology and hydrology in
 GEOSCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY                                         national parks. We seek presentations on geologic and hydro-
                                                                      logic research, paleontology, past research experience, and
T68. Geoscience and Engineering Research Applied to the               geologic and water resource management in units of the U.S.
Concept of Deep Borehole Disposal of Radioactive Waste in             National Park System.
Continental Basement Rocks
                                                                      T72. Advances in In-Service and Pre-Service K–12 Earth
Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology                 Sciences Teacher Preparation and Professional Development
Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
Volcanology Division                                                  Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National
                                                                      Association of Geoscience Teachers; NAGT Teacher Education Division
Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Environmental
Geoscience, Hydrogeology                                              Discipline: Geoscience Education

Advocates: Frank Perry; Kristopher Kuhlman                            Advocates: Suzanne T. Metlay; Mark Abolins

  Borehole disposal of radioactive waste in crystalline basement        Innovative approaches in teacher preparation and professional
offers the potential to maximize waste isolation. A planned bore-     development by two-year and four-year colleges and universities
hole in the U.S. provides an opportunity for the geosciences to test  may successfully address the needs of earth-science educators,
the feasibility of the disposal concept.                              especially in rural or traditionally underserved areas.

T69. Geoscience, Society, and the Law: Exploring the Legal            T73. Bringing Outside In: Incorporating Field Experiences and
Problems Entailed with Geologic Research and Practice                 Project-Based Learning into the Geoscience Classroom

Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; Geology and             Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Geology
Public Policy Committee                                               and Society Division

Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Public Policy,             Discipline: Geoscience Education
Geoscience Information/Communication
                                                                      Advocates: Stephanie Shepherd; Jamie S.F. Levine
Advocate: James Heller
                                                                        This session focuses on the challenges and successes of inte-
  An overview of relevant legal issues pertaining to geologic         grating field experiences, research opportunities, and project-
research, the possible implications for the public, and the means     based learning into the curriculum. Contributions focusing on
by which the applied professional can mitigate potential problems     enhancing student learning through experiences demonstrating
in the course of their duties.                                        the process of science are encouraged.

T70. The Animas River and Beyond: Balancing Science and                                                                                    23
Policy in Cleaning up America’s Abandoned Mine Lands
Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA
Environmental and Engineering Geology Division; GSA

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