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GSA TODAY | MAY 2016  T58. Morphodynamics and Stratigraphy of Meandering Rivers             Disciplines: Geomorphology, Engineering Geology, Public Policy
                                                                                            Advocates: Joel Sholtes; Nicholas A. Sutfin; John Pitlick
                      Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
                      Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; SEPM (Society for           Application of traditional and novel approaches for character-
                      Sedimentary Geology)                                                  izing the geomorphic impacts of floods within river corridors:
                                                                                            advances in science and flood hazard management.
                      Disciplines: Geomorphology, Sediments, Clastic, Stratigraphy
                                                                                             GEOPHYSICS / GEODYNAMICS
                      Advocates: Kory Konsoer; Jessica Ann Zinger; Douglas Edmonds
                                                                                            T63. From Mantle to Landscape: Cenozoic Evolution of the
                        This session welcomes investigations of meandering rivers           Rocky Mountain
                      across all spatial and temporal scales using field-based, numerical,  Cosponsors: GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Structural Geology
                      or experimental approaches, as well as studies that focus on the      and Tectonics Division
                      stratigraphy of ancient or modern meandering river systems.           Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics, Tectonics/
                                                                                            Tectonophysics, Geochemistry
                      T59. Paleofloods and Related Fluvial Processes during the Late        Advocates: Robert Moucha; Jolante W. van Wijk; Majie Fan
                      Quaternary: Reconstructions and Causes
                                                                                              This session encourages multidisciplinary studies ranging from
                      Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;        mantle to surface processes, from numerical modeling to data
                      American Quaternary Association; Past Global Changes (PAGES)–         collection and analysis to understand the tectonic and landscape
                      Floods Working Group; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division                evolution of the Rocky Mountains.

                      Disciplines: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology,                       T64. Injection-Induced Earthquakes: Geologic and Operational
                      Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography                                     Constraints, Seismic Hazard, Mitigation, and Societal Impact
                                                                                            Cosponsors: GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Environmental and
                      Advocates: Matthew Therrell; Lisa Davis; Samuel Munoz                 Engineering Geology Division
                                                                                            Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics, Hydrogeology
                        This session aims to bring together scientists with interests in    Advocates: William Luther Yeck; Matthew Weingarten
                      developing and applying a broad array of reconstruction tech-
                      niques for characterizing the magnitude, frequency, geographic          This session encourages studies of injection-induced earth-
                      distribution, and causes of paleofloods.                              quakes, including cases related to wastewater disposal, hydraulic
                                                                                            fracturing, and CO2 sequestration. Of particular interest are case
                      T60. Quantifying and Interpreting the Role of Climate,                studies that relate geologic and operational constraints to earth-
                      Tectonics, and Autogenic Processes in Landscape Dynamics              quake characteristics or hazard.

                      Disciplines: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology,                       T65. Precambrian Evolution and Mineral Resources of the
                      Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography                                     Midcontinent Rift Region: In Honor of William J. Hinze
                                                                                            Cosponsors: GSA Geophysics Division; Society of Economic
                      Advocates: Kerry Riley; Tammy Rittenour                               Geologists; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                                                                                            Volcanology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; SEPM
                        This session investigates the interplay between allogenic           (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
                      forcing (climate, tectonics) and autogenic processes (slope/          Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics, Economic Geology,
                      transport thresholds) when interpreting alluvial records. Field-      Precambrian Geology
                      based and experimental studies across time and spatial scales         Advocates: Benjamin J. Drenth; Joyashish Thakurta; William
                      are encouraged.                                                       F. Cannon

                      T61. Quantifying Geomorphic Processes and Rates of                      Contributions are sought from broad-ranging multidisciplinary
                      Landscape Evolution                                                   studies at various scales that relate to the development of the
                                                                                            Midcontinent Rift, surrounding Precambrian rocks, and mineral
                      Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology                  resources in the region.
                      Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                      Volcanology Division                                                  T66. Structure and Tectonics of the South-Central United
                                                                                            States: Craton to Gulf of Mexico
                      Disciplines: Geomorphology, Geochemistry, Quaternary Geology          Cosponsor: GSA Geophysics Division
                                                                                            Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics, Structural Geology,
                      Advocates: Arjun M. Heimsath; Nathaniel A. Lifton; Darryl             Tectonics/Tectonophysics
                      E. Granger

                        This session explores how methods such as cosmogenic
                      nuclides, apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry, U-series
                      geochemistry, luminescence, and chemical mass balances quan-
                      tify relationships between climate, tectonics, and erosion.

                      T62. Quantifying Geomorphic Response to Floods: From
                      Geochronologic Methods to High-Resolution Data and State-of-
                      the-Art Models

                      Cosponsor: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division


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