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                         Vacancies: Two member-at-large three-year terms; one interna-          Vacancies: Two member-at-large three-year terms (E)
                         tional representative (citizen outside of the U.S.) three-year term    What it does: Selects candidates for the Penrose Medal Award.
                         (B, E, M)                                                              Emphasis is placed on eminent research in pure geology that
                         What it does: Provides advice on public policy matters to GSA          marks a major advance in the science.
                         Council and GSA leadership by monitoring and assessing interna-        Qualifications: Members should be familiar with outstanding
                         tional, national, and regional science policy; formulating and         achievers in the geosciences worthy of consideration for the honor.
                         recommending position statements; and sponsoring topical white
                         papers. This committee also encourages the active engagement in        PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
                         geoscience policy by GSA members.
                         Qualifications: Members should have experience with public-            Vacancies: Two member-at-large three-year terms (E)
                         policy issues involving the science of geology; the ability to         What it does: Directs, advises, and monitors GSA’s professional
                         develop, disseminate, and translate information from the geologic      development program; reviews and approves proposals; recom-
                         sciences into useful forms for the general public and for GSA          mends and implements guideline changes; and monitors the
                         members; and familiarity with appropriate techniques for the           scientific quality of courses offered.
                         dissemination of information.                                          Qualifications: Members must be familiar with professional
                                                                                                development programs or have adult education teaching
                         JOINT TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE                                      experience.

                         Vacancy: One member-at-large (marine coastal geology field)            GSA PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD COMMITTEE
                         two-year term starting 1 Dec. 2016 through 30 Nov. 2018 (E)
                         What it does: Helps finalize the technical program for GSA’s           Vacancy: One member-at-large three-year term (E)
                         annual meetings by participating in the Web-based selection and        What it does: Generates, receives, and evaluates candidates for the
                         scheduling of abstracts, as well as topical session proposal review.   GSA Public Service Award and the AGI Outstanding Contribution
                         Qualifications: Members must have access to computers and the          to the Public Understanding of the Geosciences Award, which are
                         Web, be a specialist in one of the specified fields, and be available  given in recognition of outstanding individual contributions to
                         in late July to mid-August for organization of the annual meeting      either public awareness of the earth sciences, or the scientific reso-
                         technical program.                                                     lution of earth-science problems of significant societal concern.

                         MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE                                                   PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE

                         Vacancies: One member-at-large (academia); one member-at-              Vacancy: One member-at-large four-year term (B, E, M)
                         large (industry-related field); and one student member-at-large;       What it does: Nominates candidates for editorship when positions
                         three-year terms (B)                                                   become vacant; reviews the quality and health of each GSA publi-
                         What it does: This committee draws its members from academia,          cation; and provides an annual report to Council that includes
                         industry, and government; contributes to the growth of GSA             recommendations for changes in page charges, subsidies, or any
                         membership; and attends to the changing needs of Society               other publishing matter on which Council must make a decision.
                         members by focusing on attracting and retaining students, profes-
                         sionals working in industry, and those studying and working            RESEARCH GRANTS COMMITTEE
                         outside the United States. This committee also reviews and makes
                         Fellow recommendations to Council.                                     Vacancies: Nine member-at-large three-year terms (B, T)
                         Qualifications: Members should have experience in benefit,             What it does: Evaluates student research grant applications and
                         recruitment, and retention programs.                                   selects grant recipients.
                                                                                                Qualifications: Members should have experience in directing
                         NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE                                                  research projects and in evaluating research grant applications.
                                                                                                Extensive time commitment required 15 Feb.–15 Apr. 2017.
                         Vacancies: Two member-at-large three-year terms (B, E)
                         What it does: Recommends nominees to GSA Council for the               RESEARCH GRANTS COMMITTEE—ALTERNATES
                         positions of GSA Officers and Councilors, committee members,
                         and Society representatives to other permanent groups.                 Vacancies: Ten alternate member-at-large three-year terms (B, T)
                         Qualifications: Members must be familiar with a broad range of         Why: The alternate member will be called upon to review
                         well-known and highly respected geoscientists.                         research grant applications on an “as-needed” basis if the number
                                                                                                of submitted grant applications increases significantly in any
                         PENROSE CONFERENCES AND THOMPSON FIELD FORUMS                          given year.
                         Vacancy: One member-at-large three-year term (E)
                         What it does: Reviews and approves Penrose Conference and
                         Thompson Field Forum proposals and recommends and imple-
                         ments guidelines for the success of these meetings.
                         Qualifications: Committee members must be past conveners of a
                         Penrose Conference or Thompson Field Forum.
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