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Research You Can Use
                                                                              GSA offers several publications and research
                                                                              tools geared toward the engineering and
                                                                              exploration fields. Here are a few examples:

Reviews in Engineering Geology                                    Geofacets

This book series offers case studies, reports on hazard           The GSA Millennium Edition of Geofacets is a web-based data-
assessment techniques, and more. Recent topics include mili-      base of more than 30,000 downloadable, georeferenced
tary geology, dam removal, coal fires, and land subsidence.       geologic maps. Users can filter by location, scale, map type,
                                                                  and more.
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience
                                                                  Engineering Case Histories
Co-published with the Association of Environmental and
Engineering Geologists, this journal explores the interaction of  Available in the GSA Store, this former series covers decay
people with hydrologic and geologic systems, such as karst        and preservation of stone, the legal aspects of engineering
contamination, CO2 storage, and land desertification.             geology, and the links between pressure injection wells
                                                                  and earthquakes.

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