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Donors Make Real-Life Impact for Recipients

GeoCorpsTM America is a popular GSA program offering                  Sandra Cronauer had the opportunity to meet the Newcombs
             short-term assignments in beautiful natural areas and  during the 2015 GSA Annual Meeting after her assignment in
             across a wide spectrum of geoscience disciplines. In   Denali the previous summer. It is a rare opportunity and a plea-
             partnership with government agencies and organiza-     sure for enthusiastic donors to hear firsthand experiences of their
tions committed to science and stewardship, the hands-on career     support and for the recipient to convey appreciation to the people
development opportunities further geoscience research, educa-       who made this highly coveted opportunity possible. We bumped
tion, and awareness—a purpose closely aligned with GSA’s            into Sandra again at GSA’s 2016 Northeastern Section Meeting,
mission. Dating back to 1997, the program’s number of geoscience    where she was presenting research from her work in Denali:
projects has steadily increased with the need for expertise in
public lands.                                                            “I will always remember my GeoCorps/Geoscientists
                                                                         -in-the-Parks internship at Denali National Park and
  Long-time GSA members Sally and Bob Newcomb are                        Preserve as a period of intense personal and professional
supporters with a strong commitment to GSA’s GeoCorps                    growth. Fording frigid braided streams, facing off
program and the National Park Service Geoscientists-in-the-Parks         against angry caribou, and calling out ‘Hey, bear!’ to
Denali National Park and Preserve assignment:                            avoid stumbling across a grizzly while bushwhacking
                                                                         were more than worth it to collect the data needed for
     “When Bob and I decided to support the Geoscientists-               the glacier monitoring program in Denali. During my
     in-the-Parks through GeoCorps, it was suggested we                  time working with the National Park Service, I gained
     might like the position to be near us in Maryland. That             invaluable field experience and developed technical
     seemed a bit tame—I wanted to think about work being                research skills that will elevate my future research
     done in a more challenging area. Denali National Park               endeavors. I am grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb
     has certainly fulfilled that desire. A few of the areas             for supporting the program and making it possible for
     addressed include glaciation, hazard mitigation, river              me to conduct research in the beautiful backcountry
     morphology, novel fossils, monitoring fossil access, and            of Alaska.”
     visitor education. Keeping up with the interns, reading
     their reports, going to their papers and posters at GSA          Consider joining the Newcombs in supporting important
     meetings, all have been very rewarding as well as just         geoscience projects across public lands, and see the impact of
     plain fun, giving us a view of the world we could never        contributions as GeoCorps participants continue on-the-ground
     otherwise have, as well as introducing us to a series of       research and protection of geologic resources and the develop-
     talented and dedicated young people. Sandra is certainly       ment of education and outreach activities. Contact Bill Tortorici at
     one of them, and she joins a very distinguished group          +1-303-357-1007 or to learn how you
     we’ve been pleased to support over the years.”                 can support an area of interest.

                                                                                                                                                 GSA TODAY |

Bob and Sally Newcomb visiting with Denali program participants Andrew Collins and Sandra Cronauer, GeoCorps/GIP 2015, during GSA’s 2015 Annual

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