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                         CALL FOR COMMITTEE SERVICE

                       Impact the Future of Geoscience: Volunteer for
                                Service on a GSA Committee

GSA TODAY | JUNE 2016     Deadline: 15 June 2016                                               ARTHUR L. DAY MEDAL AWARD COMMITTEE

                          Terms begin 1 July 2017 (unless otherwise indicated)                 Vacancies: Two member-at-large three-year terms (E, T)
                                                                                               What it does: Selects candidates for the Arthur L. Day Medal.
                          If you are looking for the opportunity to work toward a common       Qualifications: Volunteers should have knowledge of people
                          goal, give back to GSA, network, and make a difference, then we      who have made distinct contributions to geologic knowledge
                          invite you to volunteer (or nominate a fellow GSA member) to         through the application of physics and chemistry to solve
                          serve on a Society committee or as a GSA representative to           geologic problems.
                          another organization.
                                                                                               DIVERSITY IN THE GEOSCIENCES COMMITTEE
                          Key: B—meets in Boulder or elsewhere; E—communicates by
                          phone or electronically; M—meets at the Annual Meeting; T—           Vacancies: Two member-at-large three-year terms; one student
                          extensive time commitment required during application review         member-at-large three-year term (E, M)
                          period (15 Feb.–15 Apr. 2017).                                       What it does: Provides advice and support to GSA Council; initi-
                                                                                               ates activities and programs that will increase opportunities for
                          Learn more and access the nomination form at www.geosociety          people of ethnic minority, women, and persons with disabilities;
                          .org/aboutus/committees/. Use the online form or download a          raises awareness in the geosciences community of the positive role
                          hard copy and mail it to Pamela Fistell, GSA, P.O. Box 9140,         these groups play within the geosciences; and recruits and
                          Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA; fax: +1-303-357-1074; pfistell@         promotes positive career development for these groups.
                                                                      Qualifications: Volunteers must be familiar with the employment
                                                                                               issues these groups face; expertise and leadership experience in
                          ACADEMIC AND APPLIED GEOSCIENCE RELATIONS                            such areas as human resources and education are helpful.
                                                                                               EDUCATION COMMITTEE
                          Vacancies: Two members-at-large (industry-related field) three-
                          year terms (E, M)                                                    Vacancies: One graduate student two-year term; one member-at-
                          What it does: Strengthens and expands relationships between          large four-year term; one two-year college faculty member four-
                          GSA members in the applied and academic geosciences and              year term; and one pre-college educator (K–12) four-year term
                          proactively coordinates GSA’s effort to facilitate greater coopera-  (B, E, M)
                          tion between academia, industry, and government geoscientists.       What it does: Works with GSA members representing a wide
                          Qualifications: Volunteers should work in academia, industry, or     range of education sectors to develop informal, pre-college
                          government and be committed to developing a better integration       (K–12), undergraduate, and graduate earth-science education and
                          of applied and academic science in GSA meetings, publications,       outreach objectives and initiatives.
                          short courses, field trips, and education and outreach programs.     Qualifications: Volunteers must have the ability to work
                          Members must also be active in one or more GSA Division.             with other interested scientific organizations and science
                          Professional interests: environmental and engineering geology;       teachers’ groups.
                          hydrogeology; karst; Quaternary geology and geomorphology;
                          structural geology and tectonics; and sedimentary geology.           GEOLOGIC MAPPING AWARD COMMITTEE

                          ANNUAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE                                             Vacancy: One member-at-large (industry-related field) three-year
                                                                                               term (E)
                          Vacancies: One member-at-large three-year term; one student          What it does: Generates, receives, and evaluates candidates for
                          member-at-large two-year term (B, E, M)                              the Geologic Mapping Award. This award acknowledges
                          What it does: Develops a plan for increasing the quality of the      contributions in published, high-quality geologic mapping that
                          Annual Meeting and other Society-sponsored meetings in               led the recipient to publish significant new scientific or economic-
                          terms of science, education, and outreach; evaluates the technical   resource discoveries, and to contribute greater understanding
                          and scientific programs annually to identify modifications           of fundamental geologic processes and concepts. The objective
                          necessary for accomplishing GSA’s long-range goals; conducts         is to encourage training and support toward the production of
                          short and long-range planning for the GSA meetings as a whole;       excellent, accurate, detailed, purposeful geologic maps and
                          and develops a long-term logistical plan/strategy for the            cross sections.
                          technical programs of all GSA meetings and other Society-
                          sponsored meetings.

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