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                       523. U-Th-Pb Geochronology Using ET_Redux (Data                       Indiana Univ.; Vince Cronin, Baylor Univ.; Beth Pratt-Sitaula,
                       Reduction) and Geochron (Database). Sat., 24 Sept.,                   UNAVCO. Cosponsors: GETSI (GEodetic Tools for Societal
                       9 a.m.–5 p.m., US$30. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: George        Issues); UNAVCO; National Association of Geoscience Teachers.
                       Gehrels, Univ. of Arizona; Jim Bowring, College of Charleston;
                       Noah McLean, Univ. of Kansas; Doug Walker, Univ. of Kansas.           528. Teaching the Evolution of Life & Earth: Controversial
                                                                                             Issues 2. Sat., 24 Sept., 1–5 p.m. US$35. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
                       524. Introduction to Numerical Modeling of Lithospheric               Instructors: Don Duggan-Haas, Paleontological Research
                       Deformation in Matlab. Sat., 24 Sept., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$20.           Institution and its Museum of the Earth; Mark Nielsen, Howard
                       Limit: 25. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Eric Mittelstaedt, Univ. of Idaho;  Hughes Medical Institute; Minda Berbeco, National Center for
                       Jean-Arthur Olive, Columbia Univ.; John Naliboff, Univ. of            Science Education; Glenn Dolphin, Univ. of Calgary; Robert Ross,
                       California Davis. Cosponsor: Computational Infrastructure for         Paleontological Research Institute and its Museum of the Earth.
                       Geodynamics. EXTRA! Upon completion of the course, partici-           Cosponsors: National Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA
                       pants will receive a US$20 coupon redeemable at GSA’s onsite          Geoscience Education Division.
                                                                                             529. Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures (MISS)—
                       525. Introduction to Structure from Motion (SfM)                      Introduction to Reconnaissance and Interpretation. Sat., 24
                       Photogrammetry for Earth Science Research and Education.              Sept., 1–5 p.m. US$91. Limit: 30. CEU: 0.4. Instructor: Nora
                       Sat., 24 Sept., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$30, includes lunch. Limit: 40.       Noffke, Old Dominion Univ. Cosponsor: GSA Geobiology &
                       CEU: 0.7.                                                             Geomicrobiology Division.
                       Instructors: Edwin Nissen, Colorado School of Mines; Ramon
                       Arrowsmith, Arizona State Univ.; Christopher Crosby, UNAVCO.          530. Introductory-Level InTeGrate Geoscience Classroom
                       Cosponsor: UNAVCO.                                                    Activities that Blend Student Decision-Making with Important
                                                                                             Societal Issues. Sat., 24 Sept., 1–5 p.m. US$45. Limit: 40. CEU:
                       526. High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) for                 0.4. Instructors: Elizabeth Nagy-Shadman, Pasadena City
                       Complex Contaminant Sites. Sat., 24 Sept., 1–5 p.m. US$110.           College; Kyle Gray, Univ. of Northern Iowa. Cosponsors: National
                       Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Todd Halihan, Oklahoma State        Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geoscience Education
                       Univ.; Marcy Bogren, Aestus LLC; Stuart McDonald, Aestus LLC.         Division.

                       527. Analyzing Active Tectonics with LiDAR, InSAR, and GPS:           531. Ethics on the Edge: Scientific Integrity and Geoethics for a
                       Using Geodetic Data in Major-Level Courses. Sat., 24 Sept.,           Changing World. Sat., 24 Sept., 1–4 p.m. US$10. Limit: 40. CEU:
                       1–5 p.m. US$25. Limit: 30. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Bruce Douglas,      0.3. Instructors: Linda Gundersen, Earth Science, Ethics, and Art;
                                                                                             David Mogk, Montana State Univ. Cosponsors: American
                                                                                             Geosciences Institute; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA
                                                                                             Geology and Health Division; GSA Geoscience Education
                                                                                             Division. EXTRA! Upon completion of the course, participants
                                                                                             will receive a US$10 coupon redeemable at GSA’s onsite bookstore.

                                                                                             532. Bridging Science to Society in the Classroom: Tectonic
                                                                                             Motions, Earthquakes, and Shake-Resistant Buildings. Sat., 24
                                                                                             Sept., 1–5 p.m. US$25. Limit: 30. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Shelley
                                                                                             Olds, UNAVCO; Roger Groom, Mount Tabor Middle School;
                                                                                             RobertM­ ichael de Groot, SCEC (Southern California Earthquake
                                                                                             Center). Cosponsors: UNAVCO; National Association of
                                                                                             Geoscience Teachers.

GSA TODAY | JUNE 2016                                      Associated Society

                                                                                             Paleontological Society

                                                                                                                 Virtual Paleontology. Sat., 24 Sept., 9 a.m.–6 p.m. FREE,
                                                                                                                 with no registration needed and no course attendance limit.
                                                                                                                 Instructors: Leif Tapanila, Idaho State Univ.; Imran A.
                                                                                                                 Rahman, Univ. of Oxford.


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