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                       for Professionals, Students, Faculty, & K–12 Teachers

                          Early registration deadline: 22 August                           lunch. Limit: 30. CEUs: 1.6. Instructors: Bob Stewart,
                                                                                           ExxonMobil Exploration Co.; Tonya Brami, ExxonMobil
                          Registration after 22 August will cost an                        Exploration Co. Cosponsors: ExxonMobil Exploration Co.; GSA
                          additional US$30.                                                Sedimentary Geology Division.

                          Cancellation deadline: 29 August                                 504. Advanced Sequence Stratigraphic Applications for
                                                                                           Exploration. Fri.–Sat., 23–24 Sept., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$ 322. Limit:
                         The following short courses are open to everyone. Early regis-    25. CEUs: 1.6. Instructor: Vitor Abreu, Consultant.
                       tration is highly recommended to ensure that courses will run.
                       Can I take a short course if I am not registered for the meeting?   505. GIS-Based Spatial Mathematical Modeling for Mineral
                       YES! You’re welcome to—just add the meeting nonregistrant fee       Exploration. Fri.–Sat., 23–24 Sept., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$ 207. Limit:
                       (US$40) by 22 Aug. to your course enrollment cost. Should you       20. CEUs: 1.6. Instructors: Alok Porwal, Indian Institute of
                       then decide to attend the meeting, your payment will be applied     Technology Bombay Mumbai; Bijal Chudasama, Indian Institute
                       toward meeting registration.                                        of Technology Bombay Mumbai.
                       GSA K–12 teacher members: You are welcome to take short
                       courses without registering for the meeting or paying the non-      506. Facilitating Effective STEM Learning and Public
                       registrant fee.                                                     Engagement in Paleontology. Fri., 23 Sept., 1–5 p.m. US$25.
                       Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Most professional develop-       Limit: 30. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Bruce MacFadden, Florida
                       ment courses and workshops offer CEUs. One CEU comprises 10         Museum of Natural History; Kent Crippen, Univ. of Florida;
                       hours of participation in an organized continuing education expe-   Ronny Leder, Florida Museum of Natural History; Eleanor
                       rience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and        Gardner, Florida Museum of Natural History; Lisa Lundgren,
                       qualified instruction.                                              Univ. of Florida; Victor Perez, Univ. of Florida. Cosponsor: The
                                                                                           FOSSIL Project.
                       courses or contact Jennifer Nocerino,,
                       for course abstracts and additional information.

GSA TODAY | JUNE 2016  501. Introduction to Terrestrial Laser Scanning (Ground-Based       507. Digital Technology across the Earth Science
                       LiDAR) for Earth Science Research and Education. Fri., 23 Sept.,    Curriculum—A Short Course for Preservice and In-Service
                       8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$50; lunch included. Limit: 20. CEU: 0.8.           Teachers and Undergraduate Instructors. Sat., 24 Sept., 8
                       Instructors: Christopher Crosby, UNAVCO; Marianne Okal,             a.m.–4 p.m. US$25. CEU: 0.7. Limit: 25. Instructors: Declan
                       UNAVCO. Cosponsor: UNAVCO.                                          De Paor, Old Dominion Univ.; Steve Whitmeyer, James Madison

                                                                                           Univ.; Callan Bentley, Northern Virginia Community College;

                       502. Sequence Stratigraphy for Graduate Students. Fri.–Sat.,        Bill Richards, North Idaho College; Kristen St. John, James
                       23–24 Sept., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. $US25. Limit: 55. CEUs: 1.6.             Madison Univ.; Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College.
                       Instructors: Bret Dixon, Anadarko; Morgan Sullivan, Chevron.        Cosponsors: GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Environmental
                       Cosponsor: Anadarko.                                                and Engineering Geology Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division;
                                                                                           GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Geophysics Division;

                       503. Structural and Stratigraphic Concepts Applied to Basin         GSA Geoscience Education; GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA
                       Exploration. Fri.–Sat., 23–24 Sept., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$25, includes  Karst Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                                                                                           Volcanology Division; GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA
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