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                       433. Sandstones and Utah’s Canyon Country: Deposition,             Photo by Bret Webster.
                       Diagenesis, Exhumation, and Landscape Evolution. Four days:
                       Thurs.–Sun., 29 Sept.–2 Oct. US$575; limited student/ECP                  Meet Us in the
                       price: US$295. Cosponsor: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary                Social Media–Sphere
                       Geology). Leaders: David B. Loope; Richard M. Kettler; Peter
                       W. Reiners; Kendra Murray; Joel L. Pederson.                                                        in

                       434. U.S. Geological Survey Collections: Understanding the                   Twitter:
                       Past to Create a Future—Tour Three Federal Repositories,                           Follow hashtag #GSA2016
                       Paleontological Collections, Core Research Center, National
                       Ice Core Laboratory. One day: Thurs., 29 Sept. US$10;                  Facebook:
                       limited student/ECP price: US$5. Cosponsor: U.S. Geological              LinkedIn:
                       Survey. Leaders: Natalie E. Latysh; Kevin C. McKinney.                            geological-society-of-america
                                                                                                        GSA’s Connected Community:
                       435. How to Make the Lights Turn on with a Clap—A Tour of                 
                       Colorado’s Energy Grid. One day: Thurs., 29 Sept. US$99;
                       limited student/ECP price: US$50. Cosponsors: Colorado School
                       of Mines Energy and Minerals Field Institute; Colorado Geological
                       Survey. Leaders: Barry Martin; Tom Sladek; Karen A. Berry.

                          Associated Society
                                Field Trip

                       Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)                                        5th International
                                                                                                  EarthCache Event
                       Mineral Deposits and Geology of the Silver City Mining
                       District and Owyhee Mountains, Southwestern Idaho. Three                  Saturday, 24 Sept. 2016 | Denver, Colorado, USA
                       and a half days: Arrive Tuesday evening, 20 Sept., in Silver
                       City, Idaho, USA; depart 9 a.m. Saturday, 24 Sept. Note: This        EarthCaching gets people out in the field to learn about
                       field trip begins and ends at the Boise, Idaho, USA, airport       their planet first-hand. Participants in this annual event will
                       (BOI). Leaders: Jim Saunders,; Matt             learn all about EarthCaching, interact with EarthCachers
                       Brueseke; Virginia Gillerman. Register via the SEG website:        from around the globe, meet EarthCache developers and
                                                          reviewers, find local EarthCaches, and engage in many other
                                                                                          exciting and educational activities. The 2016 event will be held
GSA TODAY | JUNE 2016                                                                     in conjunction with the GSA Annual Meeting, which provides
                                                                                          a unique opportunity for GSA members to connect with
                                                                                          the EarthCaching and Geocaching communities! For details,
                                                                                          go to,,
                                                                                          or contact Matt Dawson at

                                                                                                    Let the Earth be your teacher!


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