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GSA Celebrates 50-Year Member Anniversaries

                       GSA salutes the following members and Fellows on their 50-year membership anniversaries.
                                    We appreciate their dedication and loyalty to GSA for all these years.

                                              For a list of members who have surpassed the 50-year mark, please visit

                               the list of Fellows can be found at
                                  Asterisks (*) below indicate those members who have not yet been honored by election to

                              GSA Fellowship. GSA Fellows: You can help maintain a dynamic, vibrant cohort by nominating
                                         these and other deserving geoscience colleagues for Fellowship. Guidelines and

                                   nomination forms are online at If you have
                                                           questions, please e-mail

GSA TODAY | JULY 2016  Jeffrey T. Abbott*      Harold E. Eagle*           Alvin R. Leamon*           Charles C. Plummer
                       Walter Alvarez          Carol L. Ekstrom*          Robert E. Lingner*         Benjamin N. Powell
                       R. Ernest Anderson      William J. Elliott         Peter K. Link              Dean C. Presnall
                       L. Clark Arnold Jr.     P. Jay Fleisher            George O. Linkletter       Perry H. Rahn
                       Richard G. Baker        Romeo M. Flores            Ivo Lucchitta              Erk Reimnitz*
                       G. Arthur Barber        Walter J. Garmoe*          Richard Lung*              Malcolm M. Roeber Jr.*
                       Christopher R. Barnes   Robert E. Garrison         John E. Marzolf*           Alan C. Samuelson*
                       John L. Berry*          Larry J. Garside           Christopher C. Mathewson   B. Charlotte Schreiber
                       Edward C. Bingler       Clare H. Gibbs             Robert A. Matthews         Holmes A. Semken Jr.
                       David D. Blackwell      Leonard C. Gilbert*        Floyd W. McCoy Jr.         Peter M. Sheehan
                       Sam Boggs               Richard K. Glanzman*       Gregory E. McKelvey        Michael F. Sheridan
                       Arthur A. Bookstrom     David L. Gross             Robert Metz*               John F. Shroder Jr.
                       James A. Brown Jr.*     Gilmor S. Hamill IV*       Harvey J. Meyer*           K. Lee Shropshire*
                       Burke Burkart           John E. Hardaway*          Thomas P. Miller           Melvin C. Simons*
                       Richard L. Burroughs*   Grant H. Heiken            Doral S. Mills Jr.*        James G. Smith*
                       Robert J. Carson        James Helwig               Richard A. Mills*          Judith T. Smith
                       Keros Cartwright        J. Christopher Hepburn     Charles O. Morgan          Richard E. Smith
                       Charles E. Chapin       David F. Hess*             Frederic “Ted” B. Mullin*  Robert K. Smith*
                       Charlette Chastain*     Kenneth D. Hopkins*        Walter H. Munk             Roger C. Steininger*
                       Chin Chen               Keith A. Howard            Robert R. Murchison*       Ronald W. Stingelin
                       Ju-chin Chen            Liang-Chi Hsu              Arturo G. Nisperos*        Wm Thomas Straw
                       Eric S. Cheney          Charles S. Hutchinson Jr.  Gordon L. Nord             James B. Swinehart*
                       Kenneth F. Clark*       Norman J. Hyne             Larry J. Nutter*           Lynn R. Sykes
                       Gordon A. Clopine       James C. Ingle Jr.         Shannon A. O’Dunn*         Robert E. Tepel*
                       Harold G. Coffin*       Alan M. Jacobs*            John E. Parkes*            Tommy B. Thompson
                       Robert G. Corbett       Gary D. Johnson*           Emil F. Pashley Jr.*       Othmar T. Tobisch
                       Frank B. Couch Jr.*     Gerald H. Johnson          Frederick J. Pearson Jr.   Garrie L. Tufford*
                       Dennis P. Cox           Stephen E. Kesler          Raymond Pestrong           Russell G. Tysdal*
                       Ian W. Dalziel          John D. Kiefer             Zell E. Peterman           Frederick J. Vine
                       Bruno D’Argenio         Edmund Kiessling*          Ulrich Petersen            Chester A. Wallace
                       Richard A. Davis*       Daniel B. Krinsley         Frank L. Peterson          Raymond H. Wallace Jr.*
                       Kenneth J. De Nault     Paul W. Lambert*           David R. Pevear            Peter L. Ward
                       Richard F. Dondanville  Cooper B. Land*            Ralph D. Phillips*         Terry R. West
                       Wendell A. Duffield     Frederick D. Larsen*       John A. Philpotts          Bruce H. Wilkinson
                       Paul B. DuMontelle      Robert D. Lawrence         Robert A. Phinney          Lee Wilson

                           Thank you for your membership!

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