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2016 GSA Research Grant Recipients

  The 2016 GSA Committee on Research Grants awarded                   Hannah, Janet S. Herman, Christopher S. Holm-Denoma,
US$741,738 to 359 graduate students (51% of the 699 who applied),     Michael T. Hren, Alexandra R. Isern, Elizabeth A. Johnson,
with an average grant of US$2,038. The committee also selected        Sharon L. Kanfoush, Todd A. LaMaskin, Nicholas Lancaster,
10 alternate candidates in the event that any grantees return all or  Kevin H. Mahan, Andrew H. Manning, Sarah C. Penniston-
part of their funds due to a change in their research project or      Dorland, Jeffrey S. Pigati, Richard W. Saltus, Jacob O. Sewall,
receipt of funds from another source. The GSA Graduate Student        Daniel M. Sturmer, Ellen Thomas, James Vogl, Richard B. Waitt,
Research Grant Program is funded by GSA, the GSA Foundation,          Brent B. Wolfe, and Shuhai Xiao.
GSA Divisions, and the National Science Foundation.
                                                                        Alternate committee members: Jonathan S. Caine, Alan R.
  Committee members: Thomas C. Johnson (Chair), Sarah                 Carroll, Ibrahim Çemen, Duane G. Froese, Steven E. Ingebritsen,
Hayes (Past-Chair), Robert S. Anderson, Kristin Dorfler, Maya         Kitty Milliken, Mark K. Reagan, Benjamin Schwartz, Robert D.
Elrick, Joshua M. Feinberg, Rebecca M. Flowers, Martin B.             Shuster, and Dylan Ward.
Goldhaber, Laurel B. Goodwin, Timothy W. Grover, Judith L.

The following awards will be presented at the GSA 2016 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Denver, Colorado, USA.

     Outstanding Mentions

(proposals having exceptional merit in conception and presentation)

Ivan Carabajal, University of Cincinnati   Nicolas Roberts, University of             Jeffrey Thompson, University of Southern
Mitchell Dziekan, University of Toledo     Wisconsin–Madison                          California
Richard James, Montclair State University
Emily Judd, Syracuse University            Elizabeth Rutila, Oregon State University  Ted Uecker, Central Washington University

                                           Joel Singley, University of Colorado       Dustin Williams, California State
                                           Boulder                                    University, Fullerton

  ExxonMobil/GSA Student Geoscience Grants                                                                                             GSA TODAY |

ExxonMobil has recognized 10 of the top 30 GSA student research grant proposals with grants of US$7,500 each.

David Canova, Northern Illinois            Cristina Lugo Centeno, Syracuse            Ani Pytlewski, California State University,
University                                 University                                 Long Beach

Gilbert Ching, Washington State            Camille Mayberry, Central Washington       Evan Ramos, University of Texas at Austin
University                                 University
                                                                                      Danielle Shulaker, Stanford University
Aubry DeReuil, University of Utah          Audrina Pryer, Northern Illinois
Ryan Gall, University of Utah

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