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   Childcare by KiddieCorp                                         Sat., 24 Sept., at the GSA Annual
                                                                     Meeting & Exposition in Denver
   KiddieCorp will provide childcare services for GSA
attendees on Sat.–Wed., 7 a.m.–6 p.m. The program is open         EarthCaching gets people out in the field to
to children six months to 12 years and the cost is only US$9            learn about their planet first-hand.
per hour per child (two-hour minimum). The advance regis-
tration deadline is 22 August.                                Come meet EarthCachers from around the globe,
                                                              learn more about EarthCaching, find local caches,
   Register now at          and participate in other exciting and educational
registration/needs because availability is limited and
handled on a first-come, first-served basis.                       activities. This is a unique opportunity for
                                                                GSA members and other GSA Annual Meeting
        Notice of GSA                                            attendees to connect with the EarthCaching
   Council Meetings
                                                                           and Geocaching communities.
       GSA 2016 ANNUAL MEETING & EXPOSITION                     If you would like to give a presentation about
                  DENVER COLORADO, USA                        Colorado’s geology, please email Matt Dawson at

    Day 1: Saturday, 24 Sept., 8 a.m.–noon                         

    Day 2: Wednesday, 28 Sept., 8 a.m.–noon.                
Location: GSA Headquarters Hotel—Grand Hyatt, 1750
Welton Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, USA. Rooms TBA.           Let the Earth be your teacher!

All GSA members are invited to attend the open portions of
these meetings.

            Don’t Forget to Sign up for a                                                                               GSA TODAY |
   GSA Scientific Field Trip or Short Course!

           These trips and courses fill up quickly—early registration is recommended.

                        To sign up, go to
          If you register after 22 Aug., you will need to pay an additional US$30 for your short course.

Earn continuing education credits (CEUs): All trips and courses offer CEUs, and most are at low or no cost.

                   Full field trip descriptions:                              Full short course descriptions:

                       Field Trip Questions?                                      Short Course Questions?
      Contact Lindsey Henslee,          Contact Jennifer Nocerino,

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