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Mentoring Tomorrow’s Geoscience
Leaders at the 2016 Section Meetings

  GSA is proud to provide mentoring and career pathway events        result of the events, new friendships were made and professional
at all its meetings. At Section Meetings, students are invited to    contacts were established that will last well into the future.
participate in the Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied
Geology and the John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology              In addition to mentoring, GSA also provided three career
Program. These popular events, supported by the GSA                  workshops for students designed to help them plan and prepare
Foundation through gifts from Roy J. Shlemon and John Mann,          for their job search. The workshops covered career planning and
with additional financial assistance from GSA’s Northeastern         informational interviewing, career exploration, and cover letters,
Section, are designed to extend the mentoring reach of indi-         résumés, and CVs. Working professionals from academia,
vidual professionals. Together, mentor volunteers and students       government, and industry were invited to answer questions and
meet in a relaxing, informal setting, to discuss careers in geology  help students maneuver the career exploration process.
over lunch.
                                                                       GSA gratefully acknowledges the following mentors for their
  This past spring, 444 students and 56 mentors participated in      individual gifts of time and for sharing their insight with
the Shlemon Program and 195 students and 25 mentors attended         students. To learn more about these programs, or to be a mentor
the Mann Program. Mentors and students left the events               at a future Section Meeting, please contact Jennifer Nocerino,
expressing feelings of personal and professional growth. As a

The John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program

                  Helping Mentor Students Since 2004

  SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION                      SOUTHEASTERN SECTION                   NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION                                GSA TODAY |

   Cas Bridge, Chevron Environmental       Devendra Amatya, Center for Forested   Kenneth Bradbury, Wisconsin Geological
           Management Company                          Wetlands Research                  and Natural History Survey
            Katherine Knierim,
           U.S. Geological Survey            Charlie Kaufman, South Carolina      David Kulczycki, Geosyntec Consultants
                                              Emergency Management Division         Diane Lamb, Independent Contractor
   NORTHEASTERN SECTION                                                             Eric Plankell, Illinois State Geological
                                                C. Alex Pellett, South Carolina        Survey Prairie Research Institute
Elizabeth Blaise, Griggs-Lang Consulting      Department of Natural Resources
                Geologists Inc.           Ronald Wallace, Georgia Environmental   Erica Toledo, Fehr Graham – Engineering
                                                                                                & Environmental
   Doug Burns, U.S. Geological Survey                  Protection Division
     Susan Hagar, ARCADIS U.S. Inc.                                                ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION
                   Corporate                  CORDILLERAN SECTION
                                                                                       Kevin Brackney, Nez Perce Tribe
  Richard Hisert, H2H Associates LLC          Kerry Cato, Cato Geoscience Inc.         David Kelley, Kelley & Associates
     Jean Neubeck, Alpha Geoscience       Elizabeth Goldbaum, Geological Society
                                                                                             Environmental Sciences
 Doug Reed, Hudson Basin River Watch                        of America             John Welhan, Idaho Geological Survey
                                           Joe Kingsbury, GEOSCIENCE Support         Jen Woody, Oregon Water Resources

                                                           Services Inc.                            Department
                                          Lindsay Swain, GEOSCIENCE Support

                                                           Services Inc.

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