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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

                                                           Positions Open

                                                                  INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST                       Photo by Bret Webster.
                                                                 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES
                                                                                                                                                 “What a great discussion.” [Andrew Cullen]
                                                                                   SUNY GENESEO
                                                               The SUNY Geneseo Department of Geological                                             Get Connected…
                                                               Sciences invites applicants for a staff position as an
                                                               Instructional Support Specialist. Responsibilities of     “Thank you for joining in. … I believe this type of discussion is exactly
                                                               the position include operation and maintenance of             what was intended by GSA for this open forum .” [Michael Tarullo]
                                                               departmental equipment (e.g. rock prep. facilities,
                                                               XRF, XRD, SEM, ICP-OES, etc.), training of under-                      … In The Community
                                                               graduate students on use of equipment, assisting with
                                                               development and organization of weekly lab exer-          “I would like to add to this very interesting discussion.” [Georges Pardo]
                                                               cises, assisting with field trip logistics, and curating
                                                               departmental collections (rocks, maps, fossils). The                                                 GSA Members:
                                                               successful applicant must have at least a MS degree in
                                                               Geosciences or a related area at the time of appoint-                             Lend your voice to your community
                                                               ment. Required qualifications include demonstrated
                                                               interest in and aptitude for teaching, demonstrated                         
                                                               ability to develop laboratory exercises using current
GSA TODAY | AUGUST 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities      pedagogy, interest in outreach and superior organi-       organisms, sediment biogeochemistry, and the                To apply please go to
                                                               zational, written and oral communication abilities.       impact of global change on marine life and biogeo-, complete the
                                                               Position opportunities include mentoring under-           chemistry. The position is open to candidates who        online form, and upload the required application
                                                               graduate students in research and club activities,        use field, lab, and/or modeling approaches at scales     documents as a single PDF file. If you have any ques-
                                                               teaching summer courses, and collaborating with           ranging from molecular to global.                        tions or comments, please send an email message to
                                                               faculty on research grants. Must also be able to bend                                                    
                                                               and lift up to 40 pounds.                                    Geobiology: We encourage applications from
                                                                                                                         candidates whose research interests encompass inter-        The application deadline is September 8, 2016, for
                                                                  To apply, complete a professional application          actions between biology and geology, geochemistry,       full consideration, but applications will continue to
                                                               at Applicants should be         or hydrology. Specific areas of interest include (but    be reviewed until the position is filled. Women and
                                                               prepared to upload a cover letter that addresses          are not limited to) soils, biomineralization, microbe-   minorities are encouraged to apply. The University
                                                               teaching and technical qualifications and a CV. In        mediated water-rock interactions, nanoparticles,         of Michigan is supportive of the needs of dual career
                                                               addition, applicants should be prepared to supply         microbe-metal interactions, and organic geochem-         couples and is an equal opportunity/affirmative
                                                               contact email address for three references. Refer-        istry. The position is open to candidates who            action employer.
                                                               ences will be contacted and invited to submit letters     study any organism (e.g., microbes, fungi, plants,
                                                               of recommendation at the time of application.             and animals), at all scales (molecular to global, indi-       STRAT/SED, GIS, GEOMORPHOLOGY
                                                                                                                         vidual to community), and with various approaches                         1.5 YEAR FULL TIME
                                                                  Review of completed applications will begin upon       (e.g., isotopic, molecular, spectroscopic).
                                                               receipt. To be guaranteed consideration, applica-                                                                               CASTLETON UNIVERSITY
                                                               tions must be completed by August 15, 2016. The              The successful candidate is expected to establish     Department of Natural Sciences: 1.5 year, full-
                                                               anticipated appointment for this position is as early     an independent research program and contribute to        time, temporary position beginning spring of 2017
                                                               as December 2016.                                         both undergraduate and graduate teaching. Appli-         teaching Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Intro-
                                                                                                                         cants must have a Ph.D. at the time of appoint-          duction to GIS, Geomorphology, various introduc-
                                                                  SUNY Geneseo is an Equal Opportunity/Affir-            ment, and should submit a CV, statement of current       tory level courses and/or courses in the candidate’s
                                                               mative Action employer, committed to recruiting,          and future research plans, a statement of teaching       area of interest. Requirements: Minimum master’s
                                                               supporting and fostering a diverse community of           philosophy and experience, and evidence of teaching      degree. ABD or Ph.D. preferred. Castleton places
                                                               outstanding faculty, staff and students. All qualified    excellence, if available. Letters of recommendation      a special value on the teaching role of its faculty so
                                                               applicants will receive consideration for employ-         from three to five references should be submitted        candidates for this position will be evaluated on their
                                                               ment without regard to race, color, religion, national    directly by the recommender, before the application      potential to be outstanding teachers. Application
                                                               origin, disability or protected veteran status. For our   deadline, using a link that will be provided once the    review will begin on August 15th. For a full position
                                                               full non-discrimination statement, see http://www         application is submitted.                                description, including application procedures, visit
                                                                                                                            Information about the Department can be               -jobs. AA/EEO Employer.
                                                                             FACULTY POSITIONS AT                        found at and informa-
                                                                       THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN                        tion about the Program can be found at www.lsa
                                                               The Department of Earth and Environmental       
                                                               Sciences and the Program in the Environment at the
                                                               University of Michigan anticipate two openings for
                                                               joint tenure-track assistant professors for univer-
                                                               sity-year appointments starting September 1, 2017.
                                                               We are particularly interested in candidates whose
                                                               strengths complement existing research programs
                                                               within the Department and the Program.
                                                                  Biological Oceanography: We encourage appli-
                                                               cations from candidates whose research interests
                                                               encompass the role of biology in ocean chemistry,
                                                               marine geology, or physical oceanography. Specific
                                                               areas of interest include (but are not limited to)
                                                               carbon and nitrogen cycling in the ocean, physical-
                                                               biological interactions, biomineralization of marine

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