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Changes Coming to

                         Beginning in January 2017, GSA members will have                        If authors want their papers to be open access to the public and
                                    free online access to Geology at            the worldwide geologic community immediately upon publica-
                                    If you aren’t already a subscriber, you’ll receive instruc-  tion, the article processing charge (APC) remains at US$2,500 for
                                    tions on how to activate your account when you renew         non-members. GSA members will now receive a US$100 discount
                         your membership. Paid print subscriptions will continue to              on this APC. No additional color charges will be assessed to
                         be available.                                                           Geology authors paying the open access APC.

                         GSA Council’s original plan was to transition Geology to 100%           Geology’s impact factor is among the highest in the geosciences
                         open access online for all beginning in 2017, but it has now voted      (see p. 38, this issue), and no changes will be made to the rigorous
                         to delay that change. (See “Open Access,” p. 50, July 2016 GSA          peer review and editing processes that uphold the quality of
                         Today). GSA Council remains committed to making all GSA jour-           Geology or any of the GSA journals.
                         nals 100% open access in the future.
                                                                                                 As part of GSA’s transition to open access, the GSA Foundation
                         Geology’s publication fee structure is changing as well. For papers     is seeking endowment funds to cover publications fees for those
                         submitted to Geology on or after 1 Sept. 2016, per-figure color         who cannot afford to pay (e.g., authors from countries and
                         charges will be replaced with a flat publication fee of US$1,750,       institutions with little funding). If you are interested in
                         and all figures can be in color at no extra charge. However, no         supporting GSA’s transition to open access, please contact the
                         article will be rejected for an inability to pay.                       GSA Foundation at

GSA TODAY | AUGUST 2016          Foundation Booth Schedule of Events Annual Meeting GSA 2016

                                      The GSA Foundation invites you to a new experience at our booth. Talk with representatives and hear inspiring
                                     presentations and research by program participants fulfilling GSA’s mission of science, service and stewardship.

                                                                        11 a.m.–noon: Rocky Mountain and Acadia Field Camps
                                              1:30–2 p.m.: Ask A Geoscientist™2–3 p.m.: Mammoth Cave and Mount Saint Helens Field Camps

                                                                                             3–4 p.m.: GeoTeachers
                                                                    5:30–7:30 p.m.: Penrose Circle Reception and Student Awards

                                                                                         1–2 p.m.: Ask A Geoscientist
                                                                               2–3 p.m.: Graduate Student Research Grants
                                                                                         4–5 p.m.: Ask A Geoscientist
                                                                              5–6 p.m.: GeoCorps™ America Beer Reception

                                      Drop by any time to meet with GSA Foundation and program staff. We look forward to seeing you!


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