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Geologic training for America’s astronauts

GSA TODAY | AUGUST 2016  Dean Eppler*, Cynthia Evans, Code XA, NASA-JSC, 2101 NASA                al., 2000; Muehlberger, 2004; Dickerson, 2004), and Shuttle-era
                         Parkway, Houston, Texas 77058, USA; Barbara Tewksbury, Dept.             field training provided important background and context for our
                         of Geosciences, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York 13323, USA;          curriculum. The integrated approach to astronaut geologic
                         Mark Helper, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University               training currently involves two weeks of classroom training
                         of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA; Jacob Bleacher,            followed by five days in the field. In addition, astronauts also
                         Code 698, NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA; Michael             receive a week of classroom training focused on NASA planetary
                         Fossum, Duane Ross, and Andrew Feustel, Code CB, NASA-JSC,               missions, including the successes of Apollo and the motivation for
                         2101 NASA Parkway, Houston, Texas 77058, USA.                            human exploration of the Moon, Mars, and asteroids.

                         ABSTRACT                                                                 DESIGNING EFFECTIVE GEOLOGIC TRAINING

                           NASA astronauts are smart, highly motivated, intensely                   NASA’s current mission is ISS-focused, and Earth is the first
                         curious, and intellectually fearless. As pilots, scientists, and engi-   planet that current astronauts will see from a spacecraft. Geologic
                         neers, they have outstanding observational and reasoning skills.         training must prepare astronauts to recognize geologic features
                         Very few, however, have any prior background in geology. The             and events, and to interpret, document, and report what they see
                         purpose of this article is to inform the geologic community about        from orbit to geologists on the ground. They also need to under-
                         what we are doing to provide useful geologic training for current        stand how remotely sensed data augment visual observations and
                         and future NASA astronauts who will spend many months                    relate to features that can be observed in the field.
                         observing Earth from orbit on the International Space Station and
                         who will be involved in such activities as suit and tool testing, field    In order to meet a NASA requirement to make the training
                         operations, mission planning, and future off-planet exploration.         ISS-focused, we have taken an “orbit to outcrop” approach.
                                                                                                  Astronauts gain first-hand experience both in interpreting what
                         THE CONTEXT                                                              can be seen from orbit and in making field observations and
                                                                                                  interpretations that provide critical constraints on what can be
                           NASA currently selects a new astronaut candidate class every           interpreted from orbital images alone. ISS crewmembers have
                         four years, and each astronaut class undergoes 18 months of              responded enthusiastically to requests to photograph specific
                         training before graduating to join the Astronaut Corps. The              targets for use in training their fellow astronauts. Consequently,
                         training is intense and focuses primarily on the International           we can base our training around recently acquired images from
                         Space Station (ISS)—basic spaceflight operations, ISS systems,           the ISS of rock units, structures, and surface features that astro-
                         spacewalks, robotic arm operations, Russian language, human              nauts will interpret in the field.
                         life sciences, and flight certification in T-38 jets. Geologic
                         training is currently limited to four weeks. In that short amount          Our biggest challenge was how to provide effective training for
                         of time, astronaut candidates must have an effective initial             geological novices in a period of time that is presently constrained
                         training experience in Earth observations, as well as learn about        by astronaut schedules to two weeks in the classroom followed by
                         past, present, and future planetary missions to prepare them for         one week in the field. Our approach is to focus the entire training
                         public outreach obligations and future lunar and planetary               on a narrowly defined field problem, use the classroom training to
                         exploration destinations.                                                prepare astronauts effectively for tackling that field problem, and
                                                                                                  challenge them with a field experience that gives them personal
                           In 2008, the authors introduced a new geologic training                practice in making informed observations, collecting data, and
                         program built on geologic training that began with the Apollo            interpreting geologic processes and histories at a field site with
                         missions. Each crewmember of Apollo 15, 16, and 17 received over         geologic features that are important in both a terrestrial and plan-
                         550 hours of geologic training in mission-relevant field locations       etary context.
                         (Amsbury, 1989; Evans et al., 2011; Lofgren et al., 2011; Phinney,
                         2015), and the success of a mentored approach to field training            The field site around which we have based the training is
                         has shaped our current curriculum. After Apollo, classroom               located in the northern Rio Grande Rift in New Mexico, USA.
                         training focused on Earth observations from orbit (Amsbury,              We chose the site in part for the variety of features that can be
                         1989; Evans et al., 2011). Field training remained an important,         interpreted both in the field and in orbital imagery and in part
                         though much more limited, part of astronaut training (Bauer et           for analogs of basaltic volcanism and faulting on other planets.
                                                                                                  During the pre-field classroom sessions, astronauts use a variety
                                                                                                  of remotely sensed data, including ISS photos, to construct a

      GSA Today, v. 26, no. 8, doi: 10.1130/GSATG295GW.1.
      *; e-mail for correspondence after 30 Apr. 2016:

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