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Part 2: Geoscience Career Exploration.                              Why GSA Membership
                                                                                                  is Important to Me
                              What do geologists in various sectors earn? What do they do?
                            What are the pros and cons to working in academia, government,             Kelsi Ustipak on the Brushy Canyon Formation, Texas, USA.
                            and industry? Workshop presenters, and when possible, profes-
                            sionals in the field, will address these issues.                    Membership with GSA has been an invaluable
                                                                                                                  part of my growth as a geoscientist. It was the
                            Part 3: Cover Letters, Résumés, and CVs.                                              first professional society I joined as an
                                                                                                                  undergraduate and the one I have consis-
                              How do you prepare a cover letter? Does your résumé need          tently participated with over the last five years. As a student
                            a good edit? Whether you are currently in the job market or         attending GSA Annual Meetings, I benefited from
                            not, learn how to prepare the best résumé possible. You             presenting posters, attending talks, and participating in
                            will review numerous examples to help you learn important           lunchtime seminars. But in truth, my favorite part of GSA
                            résumé dos and don’ts.                                              has always been the networking. I know that will make some
                                                                                                people positively cringe, but the casual, friendly atmosphere
                            Early Career Professionals                                          of the meetings can be very welcoming. When I was uncer-
                                                                                                tain of my next step after undergrad, I was able to visit with
                              Have you graduated in the last five years and are either a        recruiters for graduate schools, informally discuss different
                            working professional or still looking for a job? GSA would like to  career paths with exhibitors, and attend career panel
                            support you in pursuing your professional goals. During this        luncheons to hear about different types of employment for
                            45-minute session, you’ll be asked for your input regarding         geologists. The diverse experiences of members, whether
                            potential programming and activities that GSA could offer to        students, professors, or professionals, became a source of
                            help you reach your professional goals.                             advice and wisdom during my progression from undergrad-
                                                                                                uate to graduate to early career professional. The impact of
                            ACCOMMODATIONS                                                      this community support was so strong that I have in turn
                                                                                                volunteered to mentor On To the Future students, seeing in
                            Hotel registration deadline: 13 Feb. 2017                           them many of the same questions and insecurities I dealt
                                                                                                with as a student. GSA membership is important to me
                              A block of rooms has been reserved at the Omni Hotel at the       because the people and programs were a great resource for
                            Colonnade, 9821 Colonnade Blvd., San Antonio, Texas 78230,          me during uncertain times, and I am committed to being a
                            USA, and the meeting rate is US$165 per night plus tax.             part of that resource for others in the future.
                            Reservations should be made by calling Omni Hotels and
                            Resorts at +1-800-843-6664 (toll free) or +1-210-691-8888 (local).                                Kelsi Ustipak
                            Please be sure to mention that you are attending the GSA meeting.                                 Junior Clastic Reservoir Geologist
                                                                                                                              Badley Ashton America Inc.
                            REGISTRATION                                                                                      GSA Member since 2011

                            Early registration deadline: 6 Feb. 2017
                            Cancellation deadline: 13 Feb. 2017

                              Registration opens in December. For further information or
                            if you need special accommodations, please contact the meeting
                            Chair, Ben Surpless,

                            LOCAL COMMITTEE

                            Chair: Ben Surpless,

                            Technical Session Chair: David Turner,

                            Field Trip Chair: Dan Lehrmann,

                              For questions about exhibits or sponsors, contact Ben Surpless,


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