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GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2016Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers      Theme Sessions

  Joint Meeting                                                               Direct your theme session proposals to technical chairs
                                                                            Richard Becker (NC, or Wendell
 NORTHEASTERN and                                                           Barner (NE,
 NORTH-CENTRAL SECTIONS                                                     1. 	 New Strategies and Best Practices for Teaching Climate and

    52nd Northeastern Section Annual Meeting                                     Energy. Karen Cercone, Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania,
    51st North-Central Section Annual Meeting                          
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA                                           2. 	 Teaching Climate and Energy to a K–12 Audience.
    19–21 March 2017                                                             Laura Guertin, Pennsylvania State Univ.,;                                      Polly Rott Sturgeon.
                                                                            3. 	 Back to the Basics: Focusing on Fieldwork in Today’s
???????????????????????????????                                                  Geological Studies. Wes Buchanan, Colorado School of
                                                                                 Mines,; Sean Regan.
   Shale Gas Production: Views from                                         4. 	 Karst Studies from the Appalachians to the Mid-Continent.
   the Energy Roller Coaster                                                     Douglas Gouzie,
                                                                            5. 	 Engineering and Environmental Geology of Karst
      LOCATION                                                                   Terranes. Wendell Barner, Barner Consulting, LLC,
         Pittsburgh is a thriving city with a vibrant community, great ; Bill Kochanov.
                                                                            6. 	 FOSSIL Collaborations: Enhancing Paleontology through
      restaurants, and many museums. The Omni William Penn is a                  Professional and Amateur Partnerships. Eleanor Gardner,
      grand hotel centrally located near dozens of bistros, eateries, and; Bruce MacFadden; Cathy Young;
      shops. The meeting area offers a variety of geologically interesting       Jayson Kowlinsky; Daniel Krisher.
      venues—excellent examples of the Allegheny Front separating the       7. 	 Fluvial Geomorphology of Post-Glacial Rivers.
      Valley and Ridge and Appalachian Plateau Provinces, including              Amanda Schmidt, Oberlin College,;
      terminal Laurentide moraines, as well as oil, gas, coal, aggregates,       Anne Jefferson; Karen Gran.
      and a wealth of additional natural resources, overprinted with        8. 	 The Geomorphology and Hydrogeology of the Appalachian
      myriad geotechnical hazards.                                               Plateau. Daniel Bain, Univ. of Pittsburgh,;
      CALL FOR PAPERS                                                            Katie Farnsworth.
      Abstract deadline: 3 Jan. 2017                                        9. 	 Remote Sensing Applications in Geology. Richard Becker,
      Submit online at                  Univ. of Toledo,
      Abstract submission fee: US$18 for students and US$30 for all         10. 	 A View of Some Significant Geologists or Discoveries in the
      others. If you cannot submit an abstract online, please contact            Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. Jeri Jones,
      Heather Clark, +1-303-357-1018,                     Jones Geological Services,; Jon Inners.
44                                                                          11. 	 Improving Undergraduate STEM Education and
                                                                                 Advancing Diversity in the Geosciences—How Are
                                                                                 We Doing? Jonathan Lewis, Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania,
                                                                       ; Sharon Cooper; Karen Thomson.
                                                                            12. 	 Undergraduate Research Session (Posters). Cosponsored
                                                                                 by Council on Undergraduate Research Geosciences Division.
                                                                                 Robert Shuster, Univ. of Nebraska–Omaha, rshuster@
                                                                            13. 	 Changing Agricultural Landscapes and Impacts on
                                                                                 Groundwater Quality and Quantity. Jana Levison, Univ.
                                                                                 of Guelph,; Marie Larocque.
                                                                            14. 	 There’s an App for That: Using Technology Developments,
                                                                                 Innovations, Resources, and Applications to Enhance
                                                                                 Undergraduate Geoscience Education. Cosponsored by
                                                                                 National Association of Geoscience Teachers. C. Renee
                                                                                 Sparks, Calvin College,; Joseph Reese;
                                                                                 Steven Linberg.
                                                                            15. 	 Conodonts Solving Stratigraphic Problems. Christopher
                                                                                 Waid, Univ. of Iowa,; D.
                                                                                 Jeffrey Over; John Repetski.
                                                                            16. 	 Research Associated with The Marcellus Shale Energy and
                                                                                 Environment Laboratory (MSEEL). Tim Carr, West
                                                                                 Virginia Univ.,; Dan Billman.
                                                                            17. 	 Fundamental Measurements of Shale Properties and
                                                                                 Identifying Data Gaps. Angela Goodman, Angela.Goodman@
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